Twenty Three

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3 months later

Magnus lies on his back staring at the ceiling in the darkness of the room.

Alec was asleep next to him, snoring softly against the silence.

The babies were kicking alot and they were lying on his ribs which was quite painful.

As exhausted as Magnus was, sleep wouldnt come.

Even if he tried forcing himself to, he still couldn't sleep.

Instead, he got out of bed quietly, and used his magic as a flashlight to guide him out of the room and into the hallway.

He shut the door softly behind him and quietly made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

He turned on the light and forced back a scream when he saw chairman meow sitting on the table top.

He meowed at Magnus as if wondering why he was up so late and got to a all 4 paws, purring as Magnus approched.

"Bad kitty, you know you are not supposed to sleep there! Shoo!" Magnus hissed as quietly as he could, shoving the cat off the table.

Chairman meow landed with a soft thud, chirped back at him and took off.

Magnus rolled his eyes, "Stupid cat."

Magnus gasps as he felt a fluttering sensation inside him.

"My, my arent you two eager to get mommy annoyed with your kicking, " Magnus growls tiredly.

He obviously didn't actually mean what he said, it was just that theyve been kicking for the last 4 hours now, at first Magnus thought it was adorable but now, it was driving him up the wall.

"Erm....what should I cook?" Magnus wonders rummaging through the cupboards fridge.

"Dammit theres nothing here that's any good. " Magnus frowns.

He paces around the kitchen, thinking.

"Oh how I could go for a juicy cheeseburger and shake right now." He murmurs.

Than he smiles and with his magic he magicked up exactly what he wanted.

"Wonderful." He smiled.

Magnus was sitting on the couch in his living room, curled up into a blanket watching the movie Safe Haven.

It was now 4am, and he was still wide awake, still in pain and exhausted.

The babies stopped kicking though, for now.

Magnus watched the movie for until the end and while the credits rolled through, he could feel his eyes growing heavier and heavier, and as much as he tried to keep them open, he couldn't.

He fell asleep instantly than and stayed asleep for a good hour


Magnus shot up out of his sleep feeling unbelievably sick.

He ran to the kitchen sink and vomited hard emptying the burger and shake he had.

He shook like a leaf, his clammy hands gripped the counter so hard his knuckles were white.

His face poured with sweat and his hair stuck to his skin.

Magnus heaved again, and vomited.

He vomited several times before falling to his butt, panting, shaking and nauseated.

He had no idea what just happened and he prayed that the babies were alright.

He smiled wide when he felt them kick, he knew they were alive.

"Food poisoning. " he said outloud.

Magnus, had eaten an undercooked burger, thats what made him sick!

He lied on the floor in the kitchen, closing his eyes.

Now he felt exhausted enough to sleep.

Hey sorry it sucked, I didn't know what to write about! I started with clarys party but it ths one!

Until next time......

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now