Twenty Four

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Exactly 1 month later

Magnus watched as Kennedy opened a late birthday present from Mayrse, smiling.

Kennedys birthday was several days ago on the 15th of September, she had turned four years old and Magnus, well he was now 9 months.

He was huge, and in pain.

He was swollen, everywhere, he was exhausted because he was so big he could hardly sleep, he just wanted these babies out.

"Wook mama! I got gwitter and a barbie mwake up set!" She cried in happiness.

Magnus smiled, "were gonna have to call your nana and tell her thank you for your gift huh?" Alec asks walking into the room, wiping his hands on his shirt.

Magnus assumed that he washed them, because he was making dinner in the kitchen.

"Yes! Can we?!"

Alec smiles and picks her up.

"Sure baby girl, lets go."

Magnus giggles at them because Alec was making airplane sounds as he ran, Kennedy squealed in delight.

Magnus breathes heavily through his nose, a pressure in his abdomen caused him to tense in pain.

He assured himself that it was just the babies against his ribs again.

"You two better stay put, your not supposed to be due for another 2 weeks." Magnus huffed.

He lied back into the couch and shut his eyes and fell asleep almost instantly.


"Daddy,?" Kennedy asks breaking the silence.

"Yes pumpkin?"

"When is mommy gwonna have the bwabies? "

"Hes due anyday now sweetheart, so very soon." Alec exclaimed stirring a pot of noodles.

"I hope they are girls so I cwan play pwincess and dwo there mwakeup and gwitter!" Kennedy squealed.

Alec smiles at her walking over and kissing her on her head.

"Im going to get mommy, stay here okay? "

Kennedy nods.

Alec smiled and walked out of the kitchen, down the hallway and into the living room.

He smiled wide as he found his husband asleep on the couch.

He bent down to kiss his forehead and left.

He entered the kitchen to see Kennedy sitting at the table, to his suprise the table was made already.

"Howd you do that so fast?"

"Magic! "

Magnus gasps awake, a pain shot through his spine causing him to double over in his knees onto the hard floor.

Alec had moved him to the bedroom earlier and now he was fast asleep.

The room was dark and so was outside, so it must have been late at night.

Magnus breathes through the pain until it fully stops and then gets to his feet.

He grabbed Alecs phone from the dresser drawer and turned it on.

He had one text, from Simon, from a day ago.

Magnus tapped on Simons phone number and put it to his ear, stepping into the hallway.

It rang several times and on the 5th ring he answered.

"Hello? " asked a groggy, voice.

"Hey, Simon its Magnus..."

"Oh hey Magnus, is everything alright? "

"No, um I think its time could you come and pick up Kennedy?"

"Yes,..yes of course! "

"Thanks Si, also could you send Clary? "

There was a long silent pause before he responded.

"Shes gone with izzy and Jace to idris remember? She won be back for another couple of days. "

Magnus sighs shutting his eyes.


"Cant Alec deliver them?"

"He hates blood.."

"But he kills demons!"

"I know strange right? "

"Ok im on my way right now" Simon says.

Magnus could hear the jingling of car keys.

"Please hurry biscuit, I don't want Kennedy to see me like this"

"Biscuit? "

"Hurry Simon please"

"Okay okay.".

"Simon? " Kennedy asks sleepily, rubbing her eyes sitting up.

"Hey beautiful, get your bags, you have them packed right?"

"Umm, yes, thwere in the cwoset."

"Okay, hurry and get your dressed."


"Mommy is going to have the babies very soon, im taking you to aunt izzys house." Simon smiled retrieving the bags.

He gasped seeing she was already dressed.

"Magic!" She cried with a smile.

"Is Clary on her way?" Alec asks rubbing his husbands back who was hunched over in a contraction.

"Uh...n..not really, "

"What do you mean not really?" Alec asks eyeballing Magnus.

"She...shes in Idris remember, everyone is,"

Alec stood up. "Fuck!"

"You can deliver cant you?"

"No! I...I don't know how"

"Then I guess there is only one person who can." Magnus says getting up and grabbing the phone off the dresser top.

It rang once, and then he picked up..


"Magnus? "

Yayy! Baby time!

Who do you guys think that theyre turning to?

Next chapter soon!
Until next time.....

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now