Fifty Nine

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"My runes..t..they're gone.." Alec choked back a sob threatening to come out.
He gazed down his arms and chest.

He burst into tears when he saw his parabatai rune wasn't in sight either.

"No.." He croaked. "God no..t..this can't be happening, w...wheres my parabatai rune?"  He bawled.

"Its gone Alec.." Jace said sternly walking into the room.

"And so is mine." He said pulling up his shirt, he sounded as if he'd cry too.

Alec stared at Jace is disbelief, he wanted to speak but when he opened his mouth, nothing would come out.

"No.." Alec said softly, his voice almost a whisper.

"No.." he said again, this time his tone was angry and full of fear.

Jace rushed to his side, holding him in his arms.

"Shh,"he said softly, hugging him tight.

Alec's skin, to Jace's horror was as cold as ice.

"W..who did this to me?" Alec asked, his voice a squeak.

Clary and Simon exchanged a sad glare before looking back at Alec.

"I did.." A voice croaked from outside the door.

Alec couldn't see the figure at first, but as it came closer he saw that it was..... "Kennedy? " Alec croaked in horror.

Kennedy looked mortified at the sight of Alec without his runes, it seemed so unnatural,  all these years of growing up with Alec having runes and now his skin was completely bare? It seemed so odd.

"T..this is all my fault. " She yelped, "I..I bit you..and I..I drained you of all your blood..and the only way to save you was to change you..and you lost your position as a shadowhunter.." she bawled violently, falling into the arms of Simon who held her close.

"Kennedy..this isn't your fault!" Alec cried, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.  His daughter blaming herself for being a newborn that couldn't yet control herself around blood?

Kennedy stood up, her chest heaving with sobs.

"I need to go...I need to go find him.." Kennedy said sternly, her voice like ice.

Before anyone could stop her, she took off, leaving Alec in complete and uttered shock as he realized that "him" was his husband and the love of his life, Magnus Lightwood-Bane.
"Mama?" A 9 year old Magnus asked, wondering where his mother was.

He had been searching for her for hours, and finally, what he was about to see would scar him forever.

He walked into the bedroom of his mother and step father,  creaking the door open slowly.

At first he couldn't see her because of the darkness and shadows inside. But as he opened the door more, the lights from the candles in the hall showed her face first on her bed, a knife beside her.

"Mama?" He said again getting closer to her, he shook her, trying to wake her but she wouldn't.

"MAMA?!" He cried in horror.

"MAMA! MAMA! MAMA PLEASE WAKE UP!" he sobbed, his whole world crashing down on him.

He backed away from her, utterly terrifed and took off into the night. But as he rounded a corner someone stopped him.

It was his stepfather. He gazed down at him, his eyes piercing his soul.

"She did this because of you. She killed herself because your a monster, an abomination. " he sneered sliding something out of his boot. Magnus realized it was a sword.

Before he could attack him 9 on year old Magnus lashed out with all the magic he had inside him and killed him on the spot, his step father's screams left him mortified.

"Mama..please come back.." Magnus sobbed falling to his knees.

Magnus awoke, screaming and thrashing in the chains he was held in.

"Mama I'm so sorry!" He sobbed, his voice full of fear.

But when he opened his eyes and calmed a bit, he realized it was just a nightmare.

"No.." he croaked. "Not again.."

"Enjoy your snooze?" A voice asked.

Magnus saw that in the corner was Imogen herself.

"What the fuck do you want with me?" Magnus cried, his voice full of anger and frustration.

She didn't answer.

She walked closer to Magnus a smirk on her face.

"How would you feel, if we were to kill Kennedy the moment we caught her?"


Hey guys, im sorry this sucked but I hated the fact I left you waiting that long AGAIN.
I'm usually extremely busy because I'm an adult now and need to live life so I don't have much time to write as much as I used to.

But I had time today to write, I know it isn't much but I only had a short amount of time.

Anyways, I apologize and I hope you liked it! ♥

Love you all!

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now