Thirty Two

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"Where is she where is my baby girl?!" Magnus cries barging through the waiting room doors with Alec, both had the look of extreme worry on their faces.

"Shes in surgery. " Clary says standing up and walking over to Magnus who had obviously been crying, because there were tear stains on his cheeks.

"Is she going to be okay?!" Magnus squeaked.

"They said that we got her here on time it was definitely a ruptured appendix, and if we waited any longer than she wouldn't have made it." Clary explains.

Magnus bursts into a sob and fell onto Alecs chest.

Alec rubs his husbands back, kissing his forehead.

"Shh, shes going to be okay, shh." Alec coos.

"My baby girl! Oh shes going to be in pain! My poor princess!" Magnus sobs as Alec stroked his arms.

"Wheres the babies? " Alec asks sternly.

"With Jace at the institute" Clary said simply.

She felt almost responsible for all of this, and the way they were acting around her made her feel like it was her fault.

She was going to speak but suddenly the doors burst open and Simon, Isabelle and Luke walked in.

"How is she?" Simon asks.

"WE DONT KNOW SIMON NOW SHUT UP! " Magnus screams.

Alec gasps "Magnus! "


"Im s..sorry Magnus...I didnt mean.." Simon stammered.

"Just be quiet." He snapped back.

Simon flinched feeling hurt but ignored it and sat down.

45 minutes later

There was still nothing heard from the doctors about Kennedy and Magnus was still crying.

His patience was growing smaller and smaller.

He was about to scream until a doctor walked in wearing scrubs, he looked at everyone pulling off his hat, with a look on his face that Alec couldn't place.

"OH GOD SHES DEAD! " Magnus bawls falling to his knees.

"No! Mr. Lightwood! Shes fine," the doctor says.

"Shes not?!" Magnus gasps looking up at him.

"No, shes fine, shes out of surgery and in recovery. We removed it in time, its a good thing your friend brought her here in time, she wouldn't have made it if she waited any longer." The doctor said.

"Thank god! " Magnus cries happily hugging alec.

"can we see her?" Alec asks.

"Yes, but only 2 at a time,"

Magnus and Alec look at eachother, smiling.

"Well, I need a coffee and a burger what about you guys?"luke asks Clary, Simon and Izzy.

They all nod.

"Wonderful, now follow me and ill take you to her room." The doctor smiled.


Kennedys room was room 217, just down the hall from the waiting room.

They all stopped outside the door, as the doctor explained what her condition was.

Nothing too frightening, just, ivs, a heart monitor, and a breathing tube.

Magnus and Alec stepped in and what they saw made Magnus' heart break.

She looked lifeless, under these dim fluorescent lights in that hospital bed.

She had a tube in her nose and an iv in her hand and also a heart monitor attached to her which beeped annoyingly in a steady stream of beeps.

Magnus sat down in a chair next to her bed and took her hand in his.

He ran a finger over the back of her tiny hands and smiled with tears spilling down his cheeks.

Her hands were the same warm, soft ones theyd always been against Magnus' icy cold and clammy ones.

He kissed her hand and said "im so sorry"

Alec rubs Magnus' back lovingly, gazing down at the two

"Im so sorry I wasn't there for you, you must have been so scared, im sorry honey" Magnus sobs.

"Magnus its okay shes alive shes okay" Alec says sweetly.

"But I wasn't there for her!" Magnus cries.


"How did I not see that she was sick?! Im so stupid! "

"No! Magnus! "

"Yes I am! Im a horrible parent! " Magnus cries.

"Magnus no your not!"

"Yes I am!" Magnus says placing his daughters hand back on her chest.

"Magnus would you stop blaming yourself? "

Magnus frowned,

"Why should I? Im a terrible parent" Magnus demanded storming out of the room leaving a confused Alec alone.

Hey! Sorry it was short! Hope you enjoyed.

Until next time! :)

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now