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Magnus had rented a private cabin by a lake for the honeymoon,
It was perfect for them, quiet and out of the way.

Italy was nice and all, but noisy as well.

After a long day of exploring and sight seeing Magnus and Alec were drinking tea by the fireplace.

Magnus was snuggled into Alecs chest, circling the rim of his cup with his finger.

Alec was sipping his tea silently.

The quiet was peaceful and relaxing.

But outside you were able to here crickets chirping as the evening got closer and closer to an end.

"Its so wonderful here wouldn't you say so darling? " Magnus smiled quietly gazing at the ripling flames.

"Very. " Alec smiled, placing down his cup.

Magnus did the same.

He sat up straight, wrapping his arms around Alecs shoulder.

There faces were close, so close that their noses touched.

"You are astonishingly beautiful." Magnus smiled brushing his nose against Alecs.

Alec smiles in response.

"You are a breath taking work of art Magnus Bane. " he grins.

"No, Alexander, im a lightwood now, we're married. " Magnus smiled nibbling on Alecs nose.

"Oh crap, yeah of course baby."he smiled.

Magnus placed a single kiss on Alecs lips and pulled away.

"What do say...we go for a swim?" Alec smiles rubbing Magnus' lips with his thumb.

"That, would be wonderful. " he smiled.

"Great, ill be outside, and if you need to get ready, ill wait."

Magnus nodded getting up.

"Ill have a suprise for you sexy" Magnus calls from the hallway with a giggle.

"Mmmm I love suprises, I hope its a tasty one." He smiled leaving.

Magnus breathes heavily through his nose as he heres the door close and than shut the bathroom door behind him with a sigh.

He needed to do multiple things which stressed him.

First, he took a quick shower, when he got out he wrapped a towel around him, nothing but.

Than he put on a tiny amount of clogne.

He than brushed his teeth twice, he didn't put any eyeliner or glitter on because he was with Alec, his husband, so he didn't care about his appearance.

He sighs nervously and started into the hall, butt naked under his towel, and padded across the cold wooden floors to the door to the lake.

When he stepped outside, he shivered a bit as a cool breeze tickles his skin.

It was dark now, the moon was high, it was big and beautiful in the sky dotted with millons of stars.

Magnus looked at the lake to see Alec in it, swimming.

Magnus sighed and started down the stairs.

He walked across the cool sand bare footed.

His towel blew with each breeze and he pushed it down in annoyance.

"Magnus. " Alec was wide eyed as he approached.

"Hiya Alexander. " Magnus grins.


War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now