Twenty Two

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Magnus slammed the door shut not even looking if Alec was there and bursts into a loud hiccuping sob.

He ran to his room slamming that door as well knocking a picture of chairman meow onto the floor.

Speaking of chairman meow, he was sitting on the bed, sleeping.

But Magnus flopped onto his back, startling the grey and white tabby awake.

Chairman meow yowled in annoyance.

Magnus sobs loudly, so loud it echoed off the walls.

He rarely cried, ever.

The only time he cried was when he had Kennedy but that was out of joy and happiness, this cry though, was something entirely different one he never cried before.

He remembered what the boys said to him, what they called him, the way they looked at him, the way they laughed...

Freak of nature

Magnus sobbed hearing that phrase over and over again, hating himself even more.

Freak of nature

Freak of nature

Freak of nature

Freak of nature

"MAGNUS?!" Alec demanded.

Magnus didn't respond.

He hoped Alec wouldn't find him, but he did..

"Magnus baby?! What happened back there?"

"You know you were there, you must have heard it, unless your deaf." Magnus snaps.

"Magnus, why are you mad at me? "

"Because Alexander I told you that I was fine staying home! Even Clary insisted I stayed home! But no! You being....being you! Told me fresh air is nice! And I should get out more!" He yells.

Magnus looked at him with pure anger and discust.

"Magnus I know....and im sorry. " Alec squeaks.

"Sorry won't cut it this time Alec. " Magnus growls.


"Go, go to Clarys party, Kennedy is waiting."
"Kennedy is at Clarys party, Simon is looking after her..Magnus can we talk about this? Please, I love you," Alec frowns sitting next to Magnus who was still crying.

"Everyone out there...looked at me like I was a pile of shit on the bottom of their repulsive Alexander! " He sobs.

"Hey! No your not Magnus, dont you ever say that do you hear me?! You are beautiful, you are my world, I love you more than anything else in the world, you mean everything to me, thats why I married you, because I couldn't bare to loose you, and you have a huge family, Izzy, Clary, Jace, Simon, Mayrse...I know you don't like her but shes my mom and unfortunately thats how it works, and we have a daughter, a beautiful little girl who loves you more than anything, and even though the twins aren't born yet, they love you so much and we love them, right now your giving them a warm cozy place to stay, inside of you, and they only have 4 months left inside that warm tummy of yours, because soon theyll have to come out into the cold world.
And yes! Yes its cruel and awful but that's how life is, thats how the world is! There is people in this world, awful people, drug dealers, murders, rapists, child abusers, I could go on, but theres nothing we can do about it Mags, its life, and all we need to know to get through it is that someone loves us and that will shut the world off, because when im with you Magnus, its like the entire world doesn't exist, its like its just me and you. I love you Magnus, I love you fucking much, I don't know what id do without you. "

Magnus looks at him sobbing.

"Come here." Alec says simply.

Magnus shot up and into Alecs arms.

He burried his face in Alecs chest, sobbing.

Alec could feel his shirt getting wet but he didn't care.

He stroked Magnus' back cooing him.

When Magnus wouldn't stop crying Alec pulled his face to his.

Magnus looked down at his bump but Alec lifted his chin so he could look into his beautiful eyes.

"Hey now, look at me, stop crying, shhh"

Magnus cries harder now but Alec wiped the tears away with a single thumb, caressing his cheek.

"Shhh stop crying baby its okay shhh"

"The fucking cruel. " Magnus sniffles.

"I know, I know shh" Alec says placing a single kiss on Magnus' forehead.

It took Magnus 15 minutes to fully calm down and now he was lying on Alec.

Alec kissed his hand lovingly and Magnus giggled

"Can we do something? "

"Sure baby."

"Can we portal to Clarys party? "

Alec laughs, "sure baby"


Omg the feels!!!! I even cried XD
Anyway hope you enjoyed.

Until next time........

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now