Fifty Three

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Kennedy couldn't breathe.

She was too in shock to react as she fell from mid air, her arms and legs limply flailing helplessly.

She squeezed her eyes shut and prepared for the pain, but to her suprise, there was no pain, instead of landing on the hard ground she landed into water.

Now, she began panicking.

She never really knew how to swim, each time she tried she'd panic.

Swimming, Oceans, Pools, lakes, they were never her cup of tea, most of the time she would avoid water.

She never actually swam before so this was frightening to her.

Her breathing became rapid and if her heart was still beating, it would have burst out of her chest by now.

She began to panic when she couldn't feel the ground and felt herself falling deeper and deeper into the icy water.

She let out a scream of horror and panic and the water began to fill her lungs.

She kicked and flailed her legs in panic, trying to make it to the surface but it was only making it worse.

The burning was growing more and more intense and she began to feel herself become weaker and weaker.

Seconds later she felt someone yank her arm and drag her up to the surface, she couldn't see who was pulling her to the top because she suddenly was surrounded by a peaceful blackness.
Alec frantically pulled Kennedy out of the lake and threw her gently over his shoulder. 

He trotted up onto the grass and layed her down softly.

Tears burned the corners of his eyes as he began pumping up and down onto her chest in quick, rapid motions.

"Come on baby, please, please wake up. " Alec pleaded.

She suddenly began to gag and Alec immediately pulled her into a hug and patted her back.

She coughed and sputtered as the water she had swallowed shot out of her mouth.

He pulled her towards him and stared in frustration at her.

"Kennedy, baby what the hell were you thinking?!" Alec gasped shakily.

Kennedy closed her eyes and fell against Alec.

"I needed to leave."She wheezed.

"Why?!" Alec demanded.

"Kennedy honey, what you told me back there, it didn't make sense! None of this makes sense!"

Kennedy sighed into Alec's shoulder as her breathing started to slow. "I can't tell you, incase someone hears me, i'm scared that the clave will find out, lock me up and use me as their lab rat. But what I'm more afraid of is that they'll think that you, Mom and the kids are the same awful creature I have become."

Tears began rolling down Kennedy's cheeks like waterfalls, she was about to stand up but Alec stopped her and placed his hand on her cheek.

"Kennedy, baby, you can tell me anything. I promise, they wouldn't dare try to take you, or Magnus or the kids away. I swear on my grave Kennedy Lightwood-Bane, you're safe and I will not let anyone hurt you? You hear me? You're safe." Alec ensured her.

Kennedy let out a chocked sob and nodded.

"Tell me what's wrong princess," Alec cooed into her wet hair.

Kennedy swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded.

"Camille, she took me and locked me up in some kind of room. I think it was some kind of bedroom because It had a bed, a mirror and things like that, and my was gone. When I woke up at first, she began threatening you...and Milo, and mom and the twins, she told me that she had been watching me for weeks, waiting for the perfect time to take me, and..and that was when Milo was born, she kidnapped me and took me that place...and than, she started talk about how she was working on an expierment, she wanted to see if she could change a warlock into some kind of warlock vampire, and she herself wanted to see of she could change herself as well...and...than, she...she came close to my neck, there was no heat, no breath against it, just the vibration of her voice...and..."

Tears began to pour down her cheeks and her body shook in Alec's arms as she exhaled a shaky breath.

"And than she bit me...It was a horrific feeling, I can't even describe how it felt. I thought it was the end of my life. I thought it was all over...until I woke up and saw a pair of red eyes staring back at me in the mirror,  at first I thought maybe it was all just a dream, but when I felt that burning sensation in my throat,  and when I tore into those blood bags I knew...I knew It was real, she had successfully turned me, and as angry as I was, there was nothing I could do because my magic wasn't there, so I didn't fight, I knew I wouldn't win, I knew it wouldn't solve anything so I stayed quiet. And when I woke up again,  there was screaming, Camille's screaming. I thought for a second that it was my ticket to escape. But than this man walked in. But it wasn't any man, it was a warlock named Edward. He told me he'd help me, but of course I wouldn't believe he knocked me out, and that was when I woke up in the woods, and this...this deer came out of no where and scared me so bad that my first instinct was to use my magic, and it was then I realized that I had my powers back and that Camille had successfully changed me into this...this monster!" Kennedy howled.

Alec held her chin up and wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"Hey, hey, hey! You are not a monster! How could you ever think that?!"

Kennedy smiled up at him sadly and held his wrist.

"You are a beautiful, strong woman Kennedy. You are my world.  You all are, Mom, Milo, Abby and Gabe. I love you all so much and there will never be a moment where I will think otherwise. You all are my everything, without you I dont know what I would do." Alec says with tears spilling down his cheeks.

Kennedy smiled at Alec and fell against his chest.

Alec tightened his grip and held her close, never wanting to let her go.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, hugging, crying and mumbling nonsense to eachother until they calmed down.

Alec pulled away and wiped his face with his sleeve.

"Where are we anyway?" He asks.

Kennedy shrugged and looked around at the trees and the  empty road a few yards away from them.

"Japan I think." She replied.

Alec stood up and brushed the grass off his jeans than reached down to help Kennedy up.

"Japan? Why the hell did you portal to Japan?" Alec asks.

Kennedy took his hand and stood up.

"I don't know, I wasn't thinking straight okay? I wanted to get as far away as possible." She replied starting to walk towards the road with Alec.

"Nevermind that.." Alec replied.

"How in the hell are we going to find out where we are?"

Kennedy shrugged. "I portaled as close to the city as I could so we must be near."

Alec sighed and shook his head. "How are we supposed to get into the city?"

Kennedy smiled and pointed towards the road. "Already taken care of."

Alec looked up and saw a black truck with the engine on sitting on the deserted road.

He turned and smiled at her, "how'd you?.."

"Warlock magic" Kennedy replied wiggling her fingers.

"Yes! Thank god for magic!" Alec laughs.

When they reached the car, Kennedy jumped into the passenger side and Alec got into the drivers side and drove away.
Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!  Sorry it was so short! 
Im also sorry for not updating for awhile again, I was busy once again. Thank god I had just enough time to write this for you all though!

Also I realize that Vampires dont breathe! But since shes half warlock half vampire I say she can XD

Chapter 54 soon!
Love, Caity♥

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now