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Magnus awoke to a familiar voice annoyingly cooing.
He opened his eyes with a groan and saw that Izzy was holding his daughter who was wrapped in the blanket maia had made.

Jace was tickling her teeny nose and smiling wide.
"Shes absolutely gorgeous Alec. " Izzy smiled breathlessly.

"Thanks." Alec smiles taking a swig of something from a Styrofoam cup.

Simon was passed out in a chair a few feet away.
Clary, had her head against the wall, sound asleep.

Magnus blinked a couple of times before sitting up and stifling a yawn.

"hey sleepy head, how are you feeling? " Izzy grinned handing the baby to Alec and walking over to his bed side.

"Tired." Magnus yawns again.

"I heard your labor was hard, poor thing, are you feeling any better today? " Izzy asks.

"Wait today? How long was I asleep for?" Magnus gasps he usually didn't sleep long.

"Clary and Simon said right after you delivered, and held Kennedy, you were already falling asleep. But they had to wake you up because you were still full of icky stuff. You slept for 12 hours. " izzy says

"Wow." Magnus exclaimed. Usually warlocks didn't need a lot of sleep, but 12 hours this was crazy.

He didn't remember anything that happened last night.
Last night......

"Mommy loves you! Mommy loves you princess!" Magnus baby talks Kennedy, while Alec was passed out on the chair beside him.

Kennedys little lips turn into a smile and she squeaks happily as Magnus coos and tickles her nose repeatedly.

It was now 8:00, 3 hours after Magnus delivered Kennedy and he was completely exhausted and full of icky liquids.

"Magnus. " Clary asks turning around from Simon to find him half asleep half awake, murmuring to his baby.

"Magnus! " She cried hurrying to get the baby.

She handed her to Simon and shook The exhausted warlock.

"Mags. You have to get up."

Magnus whined "noooo, im sleepy, leave me sleep please. "

Clary frowned.

"I know cutie but your full of after birth and icky stuff I have to clean you up."

"Tomorrow. " Magnus murmurs.

Clary hurried to the bathroom to get warm water in a bowl and a cloth and new clothes for Magnus.

When she came back Magnus was sleeping, snoring a little.

"Magnus. Come on." Clary frowned.

Magnus didn't budge.

With a sigh she began cleaning him.

After 5 minutes, he was clean.

The easy part was over, now it was the hard part.

She had trouble putting on one of Alecs hoodies but suceeded easily putting on Alecs sweatpants.

Simon came to her side, "do you need help?"

"Uh..yeah wheres Kennedy? "Clary asks putting socks on Magnus' ice cold feet.

"In the incubator." He shrugged.

"Okay, um you grab his waste, ill..."

"Clary, chill, I can hold him while you clean the bed, vampire strength remember? "

"Oh right, thanks." Clary smiles.

Simon nods, and picks the warlock up with a grunt.

Magnus didn't move or groan or whine, he really was tired.

Clary cleans the bed by taking off the sheets and tossing them to the side, then she clean the matress before putting fresh new sheets on it.

when she finished, Simon lies Magnus back down and Clary drapes a clean blanket over his body.

Finally she finishes and she falls onto the floor with a sigh.

Simon sits in the chair next to her and they talk for a while before falling asleep.

Simon was the one who got up when the baby woke up crying, he didn't mind.

Finally after hours of a crying baby he fell asleep and the baby stayed asleep.

Everyone was, exhausted and...who could blame them?

Haii!! Sorry it sucked, im writing this in chior haha, anyway yeah sorry it sucked, It gets better later on I promise! :)

Soooo, chapter 9 soon! Hope you liked!

Until next time..... katie ♥

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now