Twenty Five

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"Just breathe through the pain baby," Alec coos.

Magnus gripped Alecs hand so hard he thought it would crack.

He gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, groaning.

"Your holding your breath Magnus, you need to breathe." Says a voice from the bedroom doorway.

Magnus, still in mid contraction looks up.

"R..ragnor!" He stammered,

"Hello my dear friend, im so happy that youve called upon me! I love babies! " He squeals hurrying to Magnus and Alec.

Alec was painfully against the headboard of the bed with Magnus cuddled against him, trembling slightly.

"Ragnor ive missed you!" Magnus cries hugging the older warlock.

"And ive missed you, dear friend. " Ragnor smiled placing a hand on his shoulder.

Magnus cuddles back into Alec and Ragnor stood up.

"So, wheres you eldest daughter? I would love to meet her." Ragnor asks.

"With Simon. She..o...oh god! " Magnus cries sitting up and doubling over.

Alec rubs his back and kisses Magnus over and over again, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"Nnnnnghhhh ohhh!" Magnus yells.

Ragnor frowns, "how far have the contractions been?"

"t., twelve...ohhhhhh!...twelve minutes!" Magnus demanded.

"There getting closer together. "Alec nods, wincing tight Magnus was gripping his hand.

Ragnor told Magnus to turn around on his knees and hold onto Alec.

Magnus did as told and smiled as his pants and shirt were replaced with a warm, fresh smelling gown.

"Thank you Ragnor. " Magnus smiled into Alecs chest.

"You are very welcome Magnus. " Ragnor replied with a smile slipping on a pair of gloves.

Magnus yelped as he felt Ragnor inside him.

"Im sorry for hurting you darling" Ragnor frowns.

"Its okay, it startled me is all"

"Seems to me, like you are exactly 3 centimeters, not very far along precious cocoa bean im sorry. " Ragnor frowns taking off his gloves.

"Wonderful. " Magnus sighs turning around and lying on his back against Alec.

Alec took his hand in his own and kissed it.

Magnus shut his eyes snuggling closer.

Ragnor magicks up a chair to sit on and watch the couple in awe.

"I feel so bad for him, he is my dearest friend, I wish I could take the pain for him." Ragnor says as Magnus sleeps.

"I feel the same exact way, I love him so much and seeing him in pain, its the worst thing ever...but its totally worth it. "

"That is is Alexander, that it is." Ragnor smiled.

It was silent for a while, painfully silent befor Ragnor breaks the silence.

"Do you have any names picked out yet?"

Alec shook his head.

"No, not yet, we dont know the genders."


"Listen, how good are you with this birthing thing, not to be rude or anything...." Alec asks.

"Ive delivered a few in my lifetime, im aware of how it works." Ragnor says.

"Im..sorry I asked, im just nervous...."

"Its quite alright Alexander, your going to be a dad! To two babies! Thats going to be alot of work."

"Yeah, I know.....I could hardly even take care of Kennedy at first. I changed her diaper and I used...a shirt... by accident, it left a giant mess...all over Magnus, it wasn't pretty, Magnus was furious" He says.

Ragnor laughs aloud, his head thrown back against the chair,

Suddenly Magnus was up as fast as a rocket, yelling.

"OW OW OW!" He demanded squeezing Alecs hand.

"shhh baby its okay just breathe, "


Alec and Ragnor were both in shock.

"UNGHHHH OH FUCKING HELL!" Magnus murmurs.

"Good job Magnus just yell through the pain" Ragnor says


"Oh how much fun this is going to be..."Ragnor smiled with a moan.

Yayy Ragnor to the rescue!

Sorry it was short!

Hope you enjoyed!
Until next time. ...

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now