Fourty Nine

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"What was that bang?" Magnus asks trying to calm his newborn who was frightened by the loud noise.

Catraina who had just finished cleaning Magnus with her magic stared into the hallway.

"Im not sure, but I'll go check. " she replied standing up from her stool and brushing her scrubs with her blue hands.

Magnus nodded as she left.

Milo was still a screeching ball of frustration and fear in Magnus' arms.

Magnus held him close trying to calm him.

"What? What is it pumpkin? Huh? Did the loud noise startle you?" Magnus coos stroking his little forehead with his thumb.

Milo countinued to cry in protest and Magnus held him even closer, trying everything he could to comfort him.

"ALEXANDER!" Catraina cries from outside the room.

Magnus' heart lurched, what had happened to Alec?

He wanted to get up to go and see what was going on, but he was too exhausted, and his body ached from delivery.

"What happened?" Magnus called, his loud voice made Milo even more scared so his cries turned into screeches.

Catraina came into the room carrying Alec who lay limp in her arms, his face as white as a sheet.

"Oh my baby! What happened?!" Magnus cries.

Catraina lied Alec on the floor and started to examine him all over.

"I think that he might have passed out, probably from the excitement of the delivery. " Catraina replies not taking her eyes of Alec.

"But he has never fainted for any of the other children after delivery so why has he now?" Magnus asks, Milo had fallen asleep on his chest and Magnus held him close as he slept.

"I have no idea," Catraina responded.

Magnus breathes heavily through his nose holding back tears as he watched Catraina examine his husband.

She hovered a hand sparked with blue magic over Alecs eyes and head trying to wake him.

"Alexander." She said simply.


"Alec if you can hear me, I need you to wake up." Catraina says sweetly.

Alecs body jolted suddenly and he let out a scream.

"Alec, Alec! Calm down, calm down your okay, your safe! Just tell me what happened" Catraina says.


"She...what? Alec whos she?"

"K..KENNEDY! " he cries.

Magnus' heart raced, what happened to his baby girl?


Magnus' heart shattered, his whole body shook in horror.

"By who? Alec? Who took her?" Catraina asks sitting Alec up to stare him in the eyes.


Magnus had never, ever seen Alec cry like this, ever he had seen Alec cry, sad soft sniffles when he was upset, or the joyful tears when he saw his baby for the first time, but this, this was a different cry, a cry of protest, anger, fear and everything in between.

"Shhhh Its okay Alec, we'll find her." Catraina holds him close, rubbing his back.

"Whats going on?" Jace asks entering the spare room Kennedy was using, he found Isabelle on the bed with her head in her hands, but he didn't see Kennedy.

Clary and Simon came into the room a few moments later wondering the same thing.

"Shes gone, Kennedy's gone shes been kidnapped. " Isabelle says sitting up straight, exhaling a shuddered breath.

"W..what by who?" Clary stammers.

"Theres a note," She says pointing at the dresser across from her.

Jace strode over, picked it up and read.

Yeah, I took her,
But you can't really do anything because by the time you read this shes already dead.
Theres honestly no point in coming so don't, seriously.
Shes mine now,
She's going to be my new little experience.
You see, I plan on taking her powers and keeping them myself and thanks to someone, they have shut them off for now, so I may begin my experiment on Kennedy.
I plan on changing her from warlock to a vampire.
Cool huh?
Can't wait to see if it'll work!
Xoxo, Camille

Ps: tell Magnus and Alexander I congratulate them on a new addition to the family...

Jace clenched a fist over the paper and clenced his teeth.

"Camille has her. " he growled.

"W..what no! Camille will kill her!" Clary gasps.

"Keep your voices down I dont want Abigail and Gabriel to wake up!" Isabelle hissed.

"What does she want from her?" Simon asks, swallowing back his anger.

"Her powers." Jace replyed, his voice shaky.

"What the hell? Why?" Clary protests.

"For herself, she wants to experiment and see if she can turn both her and Kennedy into warlock, vampires or something. " Jace says.

"Is that even possible? " Isabelle asks.

Jace sighs rubbing his face "I dont know, but we shouldn't just be standing here asking questions we should be stopping this, lets go find them, we leave in 15 minutes"

hey guys. Im back, sorry for the really long wait, stuffs been going on and I keep having writers block.
Also sorry this chapter sucked, im really tired and have writers block a bit still.
I hope you liked anyway. ♥

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now