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(There is a picture of the room above)

"Its beautiful and just perfect for our little girl. " Magnus smiled wide gazing around the room.

"It is." Alec smiled wryly astonished that the entire room was made with magic.

Alecs stomach gurgled in hunger suddenly and Magnus smiled.

"Shall we eat? You seem hungry, also im starved. " Magnus asks as they walk down the hall, arms linked together.

"Sure, what do you want to eat?" Alec smiled.

"Hmm...the baby craves Pizza. "

"Than pizza it is." Alec smiled as they walk down the stairs.

"Delightful." Magnus smiled.

The air suddenly smelt of pizza which startled Alec.

"H..h..did you steal that?" Alec gasps as they enter the kitchen.

"Of course not, I left a 20 dollar bill." Magnus smiled sitting down and opening the box.

Alec smiled slightly as he sunk into the chair across from Magnus and took a slice.

Alec too took a slice and for the next few minutes ate in silence despite Alecs obnoxious chewing.

"Meow!" Alec nearly peed himself as a grey tabby jumped on Magnus' shoulder and rubbed against his shoulder.

It was chairman meow.

"Hey kitty. " Magnus smiled petting his cats head.

"I almost forgot you had a cat." Alec says nibbling the slice of pepperoni and cheese pizza.

"Chairman meow is always doing his own thing I rarely see him." Magnus says pushing the cat off.

The cat yowled in annoyance and darted out of the room.

Magnus and Alec grabbed another slice each and ate in silence.

When they finished Magnus cleaned up with his magic.

"thirsty?" Magnus asks with a smile.

Alec nods.

He gasped as he felt something icy cold in his hands, he nearly spilt it on his pants.

He looked down to see a glass of icy cold water in his hands.

Magnus had a bottle of..pear juice?

"what in the angel is that?" Alec asks in discust.

"Pear juice. It is wonderful, try some."Magnus smiled handing Alec the bottle.

Alec swallowed hard, he didn't like pears.


"Drink it! Please for me and the baby?"

Alec sighs and takes a swig.

Magnus smiled and took back the bottle.

Alec gagged, swallowing the liquid, it tasted putrid to him.

"The baby just loves her pear juice. " Magnus grins taking a giant swig.

That explains it. Alec thought.

Alec took a long swig of his water, he was really thirsty.

Magnus saw that he was finished so he got rid of the glass.

Alec gasps, startled.

"Your going to have to get used to that darling. " Magnus laughs walking over to Alec and wrapping his arms around him, placing his nose on Alecs nose.

"I know, because your my warlock." Alec smiles staring into Magnus' eyes.

"And your my shadowhunter. " Magnus grins.

Alec kisses Magnus' lips savouring the taste of his tounge, which still tasted like pizza.

"I love you so much you know that? " Alec smiles.

"I love you too Alexander Lightwood. " Magnus smiled.

They kiss again and then Alec pulls away.

"I say we go watch old romantic movies and snuggle." Alec says.

Magnus grinned.

"Sounds perfect. "


Sorry it was short and sucky, I need to go out, hope you enjoyed though :)

Remember to vote and comment it really helps.

Chapter 5 soon ♥

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now