Thirty Six

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"Get some sleep darling, rest your foot," Magnus coos pulling the bed covers over Alecs body.

"Im not tired Baby. " Alec protested.

"Alexander darling you need to rest, and if you dont ill make you with my magic" Magnus smiled wiggling his fingers.

"Mmm..fine" Alec murmurs tiredly snuggling into the blankets and shutting his eyes.

He stifled a yawn as Magnus placed a single kiss on his forehead.

"See honey, your tired, get some sleep." Magnus says.

" you" Alec murmured.

"I love you too Alexander, sweet dreams. " Magnus smiled closing the door slightly.

He needed a shower, badly, not that he smelled but because he fell sticky and gross.

He stepped into the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

He pulled off his robe, the only thing he was wearing because of last night, and dropped it in the hamper.

He turned the shower onto the hottest setting, not caring about how it could hurt his skin and stepped in.

It felt heavenly Magnus thought, the way it sprinkled against his bare body, it soothed him.

He picked up the bar of soap next to him and smoothed it over his tan skin.

As he did this, he was reminded of everything that happened the night before.

He smiled at the thought and placed the soap back where he found it.

Next he washed his tangled hair, scrubbing the shampoo in so it would clean well.

He rinsed it out and turned the water off.

He reached for the towel on the shower rack and dried off in it.

He stepped out and went to the mirror.

He used his magic to dry his hair instead of using the hair dryer and waking Alec up.

After that he brushed his teeth and put on pajama pants and a black muscle shirt.

He didn't put any eyeliner or glitter on because he wasn't going out today, so instead he walked out of the bathroom to find Kennedy standing in the middle of the hall, smiling.

"JESUS KENNEDY!" Magnus gasps startled.

"Im sowwy mummy" She pouted looking as if shed burst into tears.

"Its alright honey, c'mere" Magnus smiled scooping his daughter into his arms and kissing her repeatedly.

"Mummy! Mummy! Stop your tickling me!" Kennedy squealed.

"I missed you, I missed you so much! " Magnus coos.

"I was only gone for the night mummy" She giggles.

"I know but I missed you so much! " Magnus cries kissing her again.

"Wheres daddy?" She questions, her teeny forehead creased with curiosity.

"Daddy had an accident"

"Is he okay? !"

"Yes, hes fine, he hurt his foot and is resting now."

"OH NO POOR DADDY!" Kennedy cried.

"Hush!" Magnus hissed.


"Because daddy is sleeping and we mustn't wake him okay?"

"oh, okay. " Kennedy says.

"Who brought you home darling?"

"Izzy, shes downstairs. "

"Where are your siblings? "

"Jace has them, hes driving them home, he didn't have enough room in the car for me and Izzy so izzy brought me." Kennedy exclaimed.

"Ah, I see, lets go downstairs shall we?" Magnus smiled kissing her black hair.

"Okay mummy"

Hey guys, I realize this was short and..sucked
But I felt ba not giving you a chapter yet it is, hope you like it, the next chapter will be better I promise.

War of Hearts (A Malec Mpreg)  ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now