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If your wonder what happened. I finally got up from the cold floor and walked to Greyson's. Mrs. Adams helped me with my cuts and then I ran a bath.

That's when I became numb again. I didn't fall asleep that night. When I heard Grey snoring I got up and left.

I walked back to Lincoln's and when I opened the door. I opened it to everyone in the living room. May, the triples and Macy were crying.

When I actually walk in and close the door they all look at me. "Taylor!" Ales yells and pulls me into a huge hug.

"I'm ok" I whisper.

I told everyone that I was fine and just needed time to my self. Eventually everyone left and I finally go tot go up stairs and sleep.

I didn't realize how tired I was till I actually hit the pillows.

Now it being Christmas break I feel the same.




The only thing on the back of my head is, "he replaced me."

I became a ghost in school. No one bothered with me and just left me alone.

The whole town heard that i went 'missing'.  So it was all stares the entire week.

I worked after school but I was still a ghost. No one really talked to me. I saw Greyson a few time but he didn't even look my way.

I found out him and Olivia started dating. Everyone said they were cute and you also heard: "why does she look so much like that Clair girl?"

I became a mute. Hell some people thought I was still missing. Alex and everyone else are still trying to figure out what's wrong.

Most of them can figure it has something to do with Greyson and the new girl.

Alex is the only one who doesn't leave me alone. He's with me 24/7 always talking.

I just listen and nod my head. That's what I do for everyone. Unless they ask a question or I have one. But I try to avoid it much as possible.

It's Christmas Eve tonight and everyone is going out. I decided that I'm not going anymore and Macy can't either but the boys are still going.

I saw my dad the other day and he asked when I was coming home. He seemed sober to me. So I just told him that I'll come over Christmas Eve.

I know it's stupid to go over there after what happened. But he's my dad and it's Christmas.

After a long work shift I finally get to leave. May and the girls been purposely giving me tables to wait just so they can hear me talk.

Lincoln and the boys left early so Alex was couldn't nag me all day. I told Lincoln that I was going to my dads.

He asked me if I was sure and I told him I was positive.

I walk home and it's only about 7. It's dark but it's not late either. I grab my bag from the back full of essentials to sleep over.

I nervously walk to the place I don't think I was gonna go back to. And 20 mins later I there.

My hands are shaken as I get the door. I finally take it and twist the nob.

I walk in and the first thing I see is my dad on the couch watching football. I look for a bottle of beer somewhere but I don't.

I see a water bottle on the coffee table. Doesn't mean it's water. I mentally scoff and walk further in.

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