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I wake up feeling different. I'm tired but not tired of not sleeping enough or at all. I'm just tired.

I feel as if something is wrong. Things are going to change and I know it. Me and Greyson. We're not gonna talk for a while and I know that but something's off.

I get out of bed. I'm scared and don't know of what. I have the need to watch my back and pay attention to what's happening around me.

I walk over to my closet and pull out a pair of black leggings and a grab my oversized grey hoodie. As I'm about to walk out of my room I hear a groan.

"What time is it." I turn around and face Chase yawing.

Around midnight Macy came and picked up Jackson. A little bit after chase was knocking on my door and we made up. He stayed the night as you can see.

"Almost time to leave." I say and walk into the bathroom. I get dressed and do my morning routine. When I walk out chase walks out of my room pulling a shirt over his head.

"You wanna go somewhere for lunch?" He asks as we both enter the kitchen. I freeze as my see the door click and open to my dad.

He's in a bran new suit that looks expensive. He's freshly showered because I can't smell the booze.

He's supposed to be on a business trip.

"Good morning Mr. Clair." Chase says and walk over to him shaking his hand. "Good morning Chase. Please call me Landon." My dad says and pats him on the back.

I clear my throat and grab my bag. They both look at me. I make little eye contact with my dad and and turn to Chase. "Ready?" I ask giving a fake smile. "Uh yeah lets go." He nods and grabs his keys off the kitchen counter.

"Have a great day honey." My dad says and I just nod in response. "Bye Landon." Chase says and we both walk out.

When we get into the car chase turns to me and sighs. "You should really be nicer to your dad." That makes me boil in anger and I just stare out the window. "K" is all I say and he starts the car.

When we get to the school I pass chase and rush in. I'm not in the mood for him to tell me that I should love my dad. I know he doesn't know what my dad has done and I don't plan on telling him.

I swing open my locker and grab my things. When I shut it chase blocks me in between him and the lockers. I glare at him and push on his chest.

"Let me go chase!" I growl and he just blocks me more. "I'm just trying to help with you and your dads relationship and I know it's none of my business so I'm sorry ok?" He says it more of a question.

I lean into the lockers and sag my shoulders. "Ok" I say and he smiles. I return the smile and he kisses me.

When the bell rings he finally detaches himself from me. "Ill get you when morning classes are over for lunch." I nod and he walks away.

I walk into class and sit in my seat. I stare out the window as class starts.

20 mins into class and the door slams open. Everyone snaps their heads towards the door. Greyson walks in with our guidance counselor. I shrink in my seat as grey looks around the room and his eyes land on me.

"Ok Mr. Adams why don't you sit next to Ms. Clair." Mr. Cray says. I avoid his gaze as he sits next to me. Mr. Cray resumes teaching.

The bell finally rang and everyone started piling out including me. As I walk Into the hall I'm tripped making me fall forward. When I pull myself up I see Grey. I frown and glare at him. I shake it off and rush to my next class.

After my morning classes are over I walk towards the cafeteria. Chase texted me during third period saying that we should just stay here at lunch because he has a big test after lunch and study with Beckett.

I walk over to the table and sit down. Case and Beckett are no where to be seen. When I'm just about to text him my phone goes off and I see it's chase saying that he's in the library studying and that I should stay at lunch. I sent a quick thumbs up emoji and shut my phone off stuffing it in my back pocket.

"So how did it go with him" I ask Macy and she turns over to me. I gasp as a purple bruise lays on her left cheek. "He found out about Jackson. That's why I came to get him. He freaked and hit me but my brother came home and threw him out." She shrugged and I nodded.

I see it in her eyes that she's hurting. She knows that her son will never have a dad and his dad is never coming back knowing that he has a son. I pick at my fries and when I decide I'm not hungry I get up. I throw my food away and when I turn around chocolate milk is spilt on my chest. I back up in shock. When I look up to see who it is Greyson Adams is in front of me laughing his ass off including the rest of the cafeteria.

I look over to the table to see the twins and Jace's girlfriends laughing but their not and neither is Macy. I look back up at Grey and slap him.

I slap him as hard as I possibly could and the whole cafeteria goes silence. "I DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR DEAL IS HADES BUT IM TIRED OF IT! STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" I yell and storm out. I hear a few gasps and even a few 'did she really just say it' oh my god how is she still alive'.

Everyone knows not to use Greyson's middle name. It's forbidden and not even his parents use it. I know not to use it but I did. I run into the bathroom and kick a stall in. I drop to my knees and puke. I feel the hot tears flow down my eyes and I realize I'm quietly sobbing.

I sniffle and stand up. I look in the toilet to see red. I flush it and watch the blood disappear.

I walk to the sinks and wash my mouth and wash my hands. When I know I don't look like I was just crying I leave the bathroom and head to class.

 When I know I don't look like I was just crying I leave the bathroom and head to class

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