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Greyson and Taylor as kids⬆️⬆️⬆️

"Thanks again for watching him." Says Macy as she puts Jackson on the ground. I open the door wider so he can run in.

"Macy you know I'll watch him anytime." I say and smile. She sighs and nods. "Okay well I'm off and I'll pick him up in the morning." She says and hands me his over night bag.

We exchange our goodbyes and I close the door. I walk into the living room and plop down on the couch. I turn on the TV and sponge bob comes on. Jackson runs over and jumps on the couch. He lays his head on my lap and focuses on the TV.

I came home right after school. When I got home my dad said that he was going on a business trip for a week. It was actually a good thing that he was gone tonight and I don't mind him leaving at all. I'm really glad he's gone even if I am going to be alone.

Chase had also called me and apologized. He said that he was just stressed because of a test and practice or something like that. I forgave him and said it was alright. I didn't tell him about me and Grey because it's not his business.

I'll still go to lunch and tuff it out. This is the first time me and Grey had an actual fight. A bad one that is. I'm scared whats to come. I know I shouldn't have called him selfish and I really have the need to just pick up my phone and call him.

I want to be forgiven and I know he feels the same if he's not already drinking it all away. Our guilt will still be their no matter what we do but both of us are to stubborn to call and say sorry. I hate being first at everything anyways.


A while later I made me and Jackson dinner and we read for a couple of hours. Eventually he went to sleep and so did i.

Greyson's POV.

"Fuck you Greyson Adams." She yells and runs out of the library.


No no no. This can't be happening.

Taylor can't leave me.

I can't live without her I need her to survive. I'd kill my self before she would ever leave me for good.

She's mine!

Not anyone else's.

Ecspecially not that asshole Chase!

He's going to ruin her. And her dad isn't going to help. I know there's something going on but I don't know what.

I stomp out of the school with flames running through my veins. I'm more then just pissed off. If anyone came into contact with me right about now they would probably die.

I jump into my car and speed off to my house. I pass cars and go threw red lights. The only thing on my mind right now is Taylor.

She will always be mine.


When I get into my driveway I turn the car off and slam my front door in. All I see is red. I can't handle it.

I can't handle her leaving me for another.

I can't handle being without her.

I ecspecially can't handle being alone.

I trash and destroy everything that I can see. I break valuables and punch the walls. When I get to my room I kick in the door and when I go to punch the window I see her.

I walk over to the picture frame breathing heavily. I swipe it off of my dresser and slid to the floor leaning against the wall.

It's a picture of when I took her to my grandfathers place out in the woods. My grandfather took it. We just came back from a all day hike. We were tired and hungry so we walked back to the house.

I laugh to myself remembering how she wanted to go back out Into the woods at midnight. The thing is we actually did sneak out and go to a cliff and watched the northern lights. It was the most beautifulest thing we have ever seen. It was also the night me and Taylor first kissed.

It was the perfect moment and I went for it.

I don't even realize that I'm crying till I see water drop down and on to the picture frame.

I liked Taylor from the start. My feelings got deeper and deeper as the days went by. We know everything there is to know about each other.

I never told her because it will ruin everything. Even if everything is ruined right now. When ever I saw Taylor with a guy I got mad. That all went away when I knew for sure they were just really close friends.

When I seen her with chase I got mad and stopped talking with her. I felt replaced. Damn I still do. But if she wants people to see her as normal then so be it.

She doesn't need me. I never made her normal. Not once so if she wants normal she gets normal. I'm not gonna fight for her. I'm only her best friend and yet she chose some stranger.

When things go wrong that's when I'm gonna be there to take her away. She's gonna move here permanently and I'll never let her out of my sight again.

I smirk to myself and grab my phone from my back pocket.

"Hello?" Jace answers.

"Were still on for tonight."


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