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"I'm home!" I yell I as I walk in the door. I was expecting to be met with my dad and chase having a mutual conversation like always but instead I walk into a trashed apartment.

I take a deep breath and walk in and I'm smacked in the face with the smell of weed and bunch of unknown people in my home.

As I shove past people I finally get to my room and see Chase and a girl on my bed.


He immediately jumps off and sees me. I feel my eye start to twitch as I look back and forth a him and the girl laying on my bed wearing practically nothing.

"Hey baby I was wondering when you'd get home." He comes over to me out I push him away.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Where's my dad and why are all these pot heads in my house!" I yell.

The girl gets up and walks past us giggling. Well someone seems to be high.

"Oh come on it's just a little party. Your dad said that he can't make it to dinner tonight and to make myself feel comfortable. So I clearly did."

He walks over to me once again and once again I push him away a little harder.

"I don't think he fucking meant turn my apartment into a half way house! And Who's that girl!?" I spit.

All I see is red and all he does is smile lazily and shove his hands into his pockets. "Oh her she's no one and this is now my apartment to."


My whole body is shaking with anger and I feel like killing him literally.

"Yeah my dad kicked me out when he found my weed stash. So your dad offered me a place to stay since we're dating and all."

I stomp up to him and slap him hard across the face that my hand stings.

"This is my apartment got it! So you can leave and bring the rest of the junkies with you!" I poke his chest glaring up at him.

He does the one thing I least expected. He backs me up against the wall and starts to choke me.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!" I yell out until his grip gets tighter.

"You listen to me and Listen to me well. This is my house now too and don't ever think of fucking breaking up with me. I own you got it slut!" He spits in my beat red face.

I feel the tears well up in my eyes and he finally lets me go. I fall to the floor gasping for air. I slowly look up at him and into his red shot eyes.

"Come out and join the party when you look more-" he pauses and kicks my legs out from in front of the door. "-Presentable." He finishes and steps over me and out Into the hallway slamming the door shut.

I sniff and weez out a cough as a crawl over into my small closet. I close the door and scream into my sweater.


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