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the plane ride was about a 6 hour flight. Alaska is having weird weather for some reason. I don't know why.

on the news everyone is saying its because of global warming. who knows, but anyways its like spring right now. at least wear Brayden lives. now its not as hot is it is in Florida right now but. its in the 50-60 degree weather range and snow still falls . which isn't bad for me.

after thanksgiving, Karen said her and Damon have to go on a business trip so she booked a 3 day stay in New York. for me and Grey which is amazing because we get to go see the city and do all of that fun stuff. I've never been there so im really excited.

all together im excited whenever im going somewhere new. of course grey doesn't understand because hes been everywhere.

when they get off of the plane i go to the back to get Greyson. when i open the door i see Grey making out with a red head flight intended. my blood immediately boils. in know hes mad and drunk so what should i aspect with Greyson Adams.

i clear my that and they both look at me. the red head gets off of his lap and gives me the most dirtiest look then gives grey one last kiss and leaves.

"were here. ill be in the car waiting." i say then leave.

i hear him mumble "fuck me." but i just ignore and keep walking.

i wait in the car for about 10 mins before he finally leaves the plane. i already had my ear buds in and keep them in as we leave the airport and make out way to Braydens which is a two hour ride.

just great. two hours looking out the window and ignoring Greyson. im making it sound bad but its really not. i enjoy watching the scenery


we finally get there. we stopped along the way to get gas. i decided to sit up front and talk to the driver. it was nice and Greyson was passed out the whole time. so that even made it nicer.

but eventually we got there and i had to wake up Greyson. i grabbed my bags and rushed inside. i
think i was just really excited.

when i walk in the house still makes me all warm and fuzzy. i set my bags down in the living room and walk into the kitchen where Karen, Damon and Brayden are.

i walk over to Brayden and give him a big hug. he returns it, then pulls and starts to examining me.

"you've grown child, almost as tall as me." he says making me giggle, because there was no way i was almost as tall as him.

"Greyson and how have you been boy." he kinda shouts because Grey is in the living room laying on the couch.

he just groans.

i face Brayden. "hangover."  i say.

"i see." he says and walks over to greyson.

he smacks him hard on the back making him jump
straight up.

"ill show you two to your rooms." i grab my stuff and follow.

im guessing Karen and Damon already know where their room is.

Brayden stops at the end of hall way making me bump into Greysons back. he looks down at me and giving me the death stare. i just continue to look down at me feet.

theres two doors across from each other and opens both.

Taylors room⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Greyson's room⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Greyson's room⬇️⬇️⬇️

Greyson's room⬇️⬇️⬇️

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"Grandfather..." Greyson Growls out.

"Taylor why dont you go to your room and get settled in and cleaned up." i nod my head and close the door to my room

i smile with the beauty this room has. i honestly just cant get enough. i know what your thinking,

'why aren't you sleeping with grey?'

well im not for 1) because he pissed me off. he cant just be all over me all week and this morning, then right when we get on the plane he has to get shit faced and sleep with that cunt.

2) i have pills to help me sleep wonderfully. this trip is gonna make me happy.

dont i deserve to be happy with myself and love life for one week?

yeah thats what i thought. anyways i start to unpack and explore my room a bit. i have this nice little closet. its not a big walk in but you can walk in. if that makes any sense.

next to the closet theres another door that leads to an amazing bathroom. i already can already see me taking tons of bubble baths in the enormous tub.

i go back out to my room and lay on the bed and the next thing you know all i see is darkness.


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