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"So you live in a pretty big place huh." He said it more in a questioning matter. I look over to him and shrug.

"I guess you could say I live there but it's not my house." I look back out the window resting my head against the cold glass. "Oh then who's is it if it's not yours." He chuckles and I lazily look back over giving him a small smile.

"It's Greyson Adams house." His eyes go wide and he turns over to me when we hit a red light. "I remember him from the dinner and I heard a lot about him. He's bad news that rich kid is Taylor. Are you with him!?" I roll my eyes and he starts to drive again.

I shake my head and chuckle. "No I already told you that he's my best friend. Me and him practically grew up together." I say and take my feet off of the dash board as I see us approaching the Charlie's (the name of the drive in).

You see people driving and walking in. Have you've ever seen the movie the outsiders, well this is what it looks like. The rich kids of town driving their cars and us poor kids walking and sneaking in so we don't gotta pay.

"Oh." Is all chase says as we pull in and find a spot. He shuts off the car and I look over to him. "Grey does bad things but that doesn't mean he's a bad guy. You know." I tilt my head and he nods. "Yeah I guess but doesn't mean I like him." He sighs.

The awkward tension is in the air. It's thick and I'm not used to it. I've never been on a date so I really don't know what to do. So I just sit here in silence. Chases breaks the silence "Hey I'm gonna go get food and drinks before the movie starts. Want anything?" He asks and I look back over to him. Okay so I may or may not be blushing a little. "A Mountain Dew and snow caps please." I give him a small smile.

He nods and steps out of the car. "You got it princess, I'll be right back." I nod And watch him leave. I sigh and sink into the seat closing my eyes.

"Clair!" I open my eyes and look up to see the one and only...

Alexander Hudson.

If You have forgotten he's the one who got into the fight with Grey. I put down the window. "Hello Alexander." I guess Grey did knock him on his ass. He has a tiny red scratch that's starting to scab and a black eye.

"You know your the only one to call me by my full name." He says and crosses his arms on the door. "And your the only one who calls people by their last names." I say smiling. It's nice to talk to a person who's so broken inside but try's to shield himself. It honestly makes me smile.

"Touché. So anyways since I'm here I guess I should tell you that you should stay at Adams for a while." He says flipping his quarter. I raise an eyebrow. "Why what's wrong?" He sighs and I notice that he tenses a bit.

"When I got home last night I walked in on Ma snorting choke and dad was in the bathroom shooting up his arm. Turns out theirs a new drug dealer in the south side going around. I talked to Lincoln this morning. He said he was gonna take care of it." He says and I stare at him in silence.

By the way Lincoln is a heartless guy but he helps out us poor kids who has parents like mine and Alex's. He's been in the same situation and helps as much as possible. I'm really grateful for a man like him. He used to be in the war and when I was little he always told me his stories.

When I was still in dance I had to walk home in the dark and one night a guy came at me but Lincoln helped me. Since then he always picked me up from dance. He even came to all my recitals and then took me out to eat, tell me stories and take me home.

He's that big guy with tattoos all over and keeps to himself. Everyone is a afraid of him besides us kids.

He's a total sweetheart to us and is the dad we always wanted.

"Oh." Is all I say and he sighs again. "Look I'm not saying your old man is doin that shit but you never know." I nod and he pulls out a pack of cigs making me scrunch my face up in disgust. "Thanks Alexander. For telling me..." I trail off and he chuckles.

"Don't worry I know you hate smoke. Plus I know not to smoke around you anyways, don't want Adams to beat my ass again." I giggle. The only one who does smokes around me is grey and he does that just to piss me off.

He straightens up and at the same time chase comes back arms full of food. I look over to see him starring at Alex as Alex is doing the same. "Chase this is Alex- Alex this is chase." I introduce them and chase nods getting into the car, handing me my snow caps and Mountain Dew.

"Well at least it's not Adams." Alex says making me playfully glare at him.

Well this isn't awkward at all. (Hint the sarcasm.) "hey it's nice to meet someone who doesn't like that guy too." Chase reaches out his hand waiting for Alex to shake it.

"He doesn't shake hands." I mutter and chase says 'oh' pulling back his hand. When alex was still that cute little nerd, he was also A germ a phobia. I face back to Alex. "See you around Clair." He says lighting his cigarette. "Bye Alexander." I yell out the window as he walks away shaking his head. I giggle and look back over to chase who is starring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Clair?" He asks. Did he not know that was my last name? I guess not. I nod my head "yeah why?" I mean not that I care that he knows my last name or anything but he's being creepy about it. "I know your dad Landon right? He works at my dads tax place." He smiles and I frown.

I frown deeply. "Oh." I swallow a huge lump that was frowning in my throat. "Yeah he's a nice guy. I remember him talking about his daughter." My eyes grow wider then before. "He... talks about me?" I sink into my seat pulling my knees to my chest.

"Yeah he was saying how he has a daughter about my age that looks just like her mother. I'm sorry about her by the way he told me that she passed." I nod slowly. My dad... talks about me! And my mother how can he even- what the actual fuck.

Everyone knows about my dad. Even Mr. Smith his boss. (Chases dad) Chase came into this town about a month ago. Apparently he started living with his dad because his mom got remarried.

I heard my dad and Mr. Smith talking about it at my house as they drank their sorrows away.

Mr. Smith isn't poor but he's not rich either. He lives on the north side though. "Yeah she died when I was young." I say quietly and look ahead to see the movie starting.

I was glad the movie started and I sure hope he forgets about this conversation.



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