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I wake up to an empty bed but I can hear the chatter and the smell of bacon coming from down stairs.

I sit up and stretch my arms out. I turn my phone back on to see over a hundred missed calls and 250 text messages. All form one other then Greyson Adams.

I know he didn't sleep like a baby as i did. So I have 3 choices.

1) call him back and he ends up coming here and taking me back to his place to be bipolar.

2) I could go over to his house and we argue then he gets bipolar and never lets me out of his sight again.

Or 3) where I could just ignore him and face the consequences on Monday.

I just send him a text saying that I'm fine and I'll see him Monday. I knew it wasn't the wisest thing to do because he overthinks things. But like me of course. If anything I'm worse then him but hey whose to judge right.

I hop out of bed and walk down stairs Into the kitchen. Lincoln is at the table reading the newspaper drinking a cup of coffee. Alexander is eating a piece of bacon while watching Colton cook and obviously Colton is being the master cook and making breakfast.

I sit down at the table next to Lincoln and grab a plate. "Heads up." Says Alex and throws me the chocolate milk. I catch it and smile while pouring my cup to the rim.

Colton and Alex come over to the table and sit down with the food in hand. Both of the boys make a disgusted face as I drown down my chocolate milk. I'm the only one in this house hold who drinks chocolate milk. Apparently to the boys. 'Chocolate and milk don't mix right.' Their weird.

Lincoln thinks the same but he's the one who got me drinking it every morning. He said I need to have some kind of dairy in my system in the morning and ice cream is not it. I don't like regular milk. Like I just can't drink it plain.

I shrug and roll my eyes at the boys. Colton puts scrambled eggs on my plate. I grab two pieces of toast and pop a piece of bacon in my mouth. Lincoln puts his news paper down and we all dig in.


Sometime later I got a shower after breakfast and Lincoln dropped me home. So here I am now sitting on my bed finishing up on my report.

I hear my door creek open I glance over to see my dad standing at the door way. See that he's about to say something but I put my index finger up indicating that I'll be a minute.

After I type my last sentence I shut my computer and turn in my bed so that I'm facing him. "Do you need something?" I ask and he stuffs his hands in his old wrinkly pj bottoms.

"I was wondering if you would want to go and get something to eat?" He asks and I take that in.

Should I go I mean. Did he really change? His he actually sober? Does he want something from me? She I go out for lunch with him? Should I really take the chance for him to walk into my life?

"I already ate. I'm going to Chases anyways." I say and stand up and walk over to my closet.

I hear him sigh and walk into my room. I grab my bag and throw a change of clothes in my bag along with my laptop. I guess I'm spending the night at chases.

"I'm really trying here Taylor." I turn over to see him sitting on my bed. "Trying? You really think your trying! Trying to do what huh! Make up for lost time! Maybe start off by saying sorry for the beatings and the shit I had to go threw and still do because you decided to be a shit father. Do you know how hard it is to grow up alone and to make sure everything doesn't go off the deep end. Do you! Huh!?" I scream and walk stomp out.

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