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Taylors outfit above and the music video is mandatory to listen to while reading ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


After school I go right home and try to find an outfit. I throw clothes everywhere out of my closet. Most of my nice outfits are at Greys and I definitely not going to his house. He's horny and he can't go to Macy because Jackson is in the play.

I know that because she invited me and just incase Grey asked for her.

I finally find a decent yet hot outfit.


While I was waiting I cleaned the house a bit and made my dad dinner. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I see that chase texted me that he's outside.

I shut the door and rush out the door. When I get out side he's already holding the door open for me and I slid in. He shuts the door and gets into the driver side.

The drive wasn't awkward. We talked and told each other a bit of stuff about ourselves. As we approach the ticket stand I'm amazed with the bright colorful lights. There's little kids running around and people everywhere. There has to be people here from out of town.

After chase pays for our tickets we walk in. "So what do you want to do first." He asks and I look around. Eventually my eyes land on a. Haunted house. "There" I point towards it and he chuckles. "Lets go." He grabs my hand and we walk toward the building.


We went on every ride here. Even the kiddy ones and don't ask me how it just happened. I walk back over to chase after getting my cotton candy and we walk around a bit more hand and hand.

We stop at a ball throw when I see the cutest stuffed elephant. "We have to win it." I tug chase over to the stand and hand the guy a five. He gives me and chase three balls each.

"Okay I guess I'll win you it. If you want it some much." I giggle and roll my eyes. He tries his three balls and hits the bullseye but not hard enough to knock them down. "Let my try." I say and grab a ball.

I pitch all three balls like a pro baseball player. The man hands me my elephant and I turn around to a shocked chase. "Where you a pitcher in softball or something?" He asks as we walk towards the Farris wheel. "No me and Grey got board so we tried baseball." I say.

"Oh" is all he says and we get in line for the Farris wheel. When we get up there we get into a bucket and it stops at the top. I gasp at the site in front of me. "Wow you can see the whole town from here. It's beautiful!" I say.

"Yeah but your beautifuler." He says and I turn over to him. "Thats not a word." We laugh.

"It is when it comes to you." My laughter dies down as I see him starring at my lips. I flicker my eyes down to his and we slowly lean in until....

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