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I slept over grey's again I mean I do every weekend so tonight's no different

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I slept over grey's again I mean I do every weekend so tonight's no different. It's Sunday afternoon and I'm still in bed.

"Are we still on for that date?" I read the text message from chase sitting in Grey's bed.

Should I text back I mean he has a Samsung so he'll never know I read it. I like chase but I don't want there to be tension because of what happened last night. I take a deep breath and text back.

"Sure what do you have in mind?"

I switch of my phone and get up. Me and Grey got back about an hour ago and he's been in the gym while I sat in his room watching shameless for the 6th time.

I skip down the stairs with my fuzzy socks on that come up to my knees. I have on my black hoodie that says 'black is my favorite color' and blue booty shorts on.

If you didn't know The Adams house has a gym. I get to the doors and swing them open. I hum my tune and skip over to grey who is currently beating the punching bag to death. He really doesn't hold back huh. He has his ear buds in so I know he didn't notice or hear me.

Well since he didn't notice me yet I mine as well check him out. Grey is tall and hot. His 8-pack goes with his tan skin and I like how he doesn't have body builder muscles but he still has the right amount where he doesn't look 19.

Yes, grey is a year older then me because his mom held him back a year in preschool grade. Apparently he wasn't learning better and faster then the others in the time so yeah that's how that happened.

Moving on....

I walk behind him and tap on his shoulder. I know many of you are saying 'what an idiot but just read.' As he swings around lighting speed with his fist flying I immediately dodge it.

"TAYLOR WHAT THE HELL! I COULD OF HIT YOU!" He yells making me flinch. I take out his earbuds so my eardrums don't burst. "Grey if you haven't noticed we go over this every time I sneak up on you when your beating the bag to a bloody pulp." I say connecting my hands behind my back smiling innocently.

"Ugh I know I just- you know I forget things when I'm thinking." He walks past me with me following behind. I raise my eyebrow in a questioning manner. "What were ya thinkin?" I skip over so I'm in front of him.

"I was thinking about how I need to get laid because I'm horny like now." He starts walking up stairs.

"Do you always think about sex?"

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