Hakyeon frowns, trying to remember the name.

"I don't have one since nobody would know a hacker's identity anyways."

Hongbin said nonchalantly.

"Right, and Sanghyuk is Hyuk."

"Anyways. our last heist was extremely successful but at the same time, it garnered a lot of interest in the press and news."

Hakyeon stated, truthfully. Hongbin nodded, tapping his pen against the table.

"I mean, we did steal 10 million dollars."

Everybody nodded in agreement. Heists were rather popular where they lived but nobody had ever gotten away, scot free, except for them. This raised a lot of questions from both the public as well as the government.

Hakyeon rolled his shoulders back as he flipped through the stack of papers.

"Our next heist is going to be another big one. 100 million dollars are at stack here. If we manage to succeed........"

Hakyeon's voice trailed off, using the silence to grasp every member's expressions.

"That would be about 16 million dollars per member."

Wonshik broke the silence as well as completed Hakyeon's sentence.


"Now, the place we will be raiding is the infamous JJ bank. They are known to be used by the top 1% of the nation. We will targetting their main valve that contains the 100 million dollars."

Everybody nods, absorbing the information they were just given.

"Then, that should be quite easy then."

Sanghyuk comments. Hongbin presses his lips together, his eyes carefully reading the article in front of him.

"Not quite."

Hongbin glances up, the other members looking at him with confused gazes.

"If it was a normal bank, it would be very easy for us. But, the bank is known for it's very tight security. There was once where a bunch of people tried to rob them but they failed before they even got to the valve. Also, their CEO is known to visit their valve every morning and checks it very carefully."

Hakyeon lets out a small sigh.

"Yeah, that's the problem. But that can be easily solved. We just need someone to distract the CEO whilst the rest of us settle the security issue and grab the cash."

"The CEO is known to be a womanizer so a lady would be more likely to gain his attention and distract him enough."

Hakyeon says, glancing at the members.

"That means we need a lady. But who?"

Hongbin piped up. All of them immediately turned to him and stare.  Hongbin's eyes scanned all of their eyes, and he knew exactly what was going through their minds. He shook his head, quickly rejecting the idea.

"No way! I am not cross-dressing. Nobody is going to believe that I'm a lady with my wide shoulders and deep voice!"

Wonshik bit his bottom lip, agreeing with what Hongbin said.

"That's true......"

Jaehwan rose his hand quickly, shaking it widly.

"I'll do it!"


Everybody chorused, causing Jaehwan to pout and lean back in his chair. Hakyeon looked through the papers and clicked his tongue.

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