Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

       “How’s the baby?”

       “How’s Gloria?”

       “Is he okay?”

       “How’s Michael?”

       “Did you hold him?”

       “What happened?”

       My mind didn’t want to process the inquiry being thrown my way, so blocked out the majority of the noise.

       “He proposed,” Chase shared with his family.

       “Michael did?” a male voice asked.

       “Yeah,” he said vacantly.

       “It’s about time,” a lady’s voice I recognized to be Chase’s mother said.

       There was uproar among the people, as they discussed the information Chase had relied to them. Before I could get caught up in trying to follow the multiple conversations surfacing around the crowd, Chase grabbed my hand, and led me out. We walked down the halls, and he stopped at an empty room with the light off. He flicked on the light, and we entered, keeping the door behind us ajar.

       “Sorry about my family,” he apologized, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

       “Chase, shut up,” I said, “I like your family and honestly don’t understand why you keep apologizing!”

       “I like you a lot Jules, I love you,” he said, partially defending his actions.

       “I love you too,” I said.

       “Now, I know this may seem a bit on the repetitive side, because, well, you just witnessed something quite similar to it, but this isn’t because of what Michael did, it’s because of what I feel.” I was confused. I had no idea what he was talking about, and my brain was fried (though it was unclear whether it was from the perplexity of his words or the fact that I had only had six hours of sleep the night before).

       “I’m not understanding,” I stated. He dropped my hand, and lowered himself to the floor. My brain was now really fucked up. “What the fuck? Get up. Now! Please…”

       “Jules,” he said, reaching into his front pocket. Holy. Fucking. Shit. He began to laugh. “You should have seen the look on your face just now!”

       “Shut up!” I said, pushing his shoulder.

       “Can’t do that,” he said, smiling widely at me, as he exposed the object he had retrieved from the depths of his pocket. It was necklace. And the award for the most traumatizing boyfriend goes to… CHASE RYAN for scaring the shit out of his girlfriend.

       He placed the chain in my hand, and I held it up to view. It was a gold chain, with the number eight attached horizontally. It was pretty. Simple, and something I could see accessorizing with often. I didn’t normally wear jewelry, the convince of putting it on not entirely pleasing to me in the morning, but with this, I’d make an exception.

       “It’s pretty,” I said, admiring it.

       “Can I put it on you?” he offered, happy that I had liked it. I nodded, as he came behind me. I handed him the necklace, and he fastened it around my neck. I touched it with my hand, realizing that the item that hung around my neck was in a way a symbol of Chase.

       Then, something struck we as odd. “Why the eight?” I asked, tracing the sideways number with my finger.

       “It’s not an eight,” he said, biting down on his lip. A bewildered gaze met my face, and he explained: “It’s an infinity sign. I love you Jules, and I’m never going to stop. Infinity means forever, and I intend to love you forever. I know it’s kind of cheesy, but…”

       “No, it’s not,” I said, liking his explanation about the article of jewelry much more than the one I had drawn up in my head. Infinity. It reminded me a little of Buzz Lightyear, but Buzz was cool, so I didn’t mind. “It’s perfect.”

       “So are you.”

       “No, I’m not. I’m not even close to perfect; besides, perfect is boring. I’d rather be the screw up that I am than some prissy, perfect bitch. I’m me, and perfection isn’t and doesn’t need to be a part of that,” I said, as he got up from the floor, and brushed his pants off.

       “I love you Jules.” I didn’t respond, a sense of requirement taking over my body. I pulled his hands in mine, and leaned in gradually, as our faces got closer and closer to each other. After what felt like an eternity, our lips finally locked. We kissed slowly, our lips fitting together perfectly.

       I began to kiss more passionately, as memories of others lips flooded my mind. I blocked the thoughts, Chase being the only one that mattered in the world right at the moment. He dropped my hands, and relocated his own to my waist. I wrapped my own empty hands around his neck, as the kiss deepened.

       He bit lightly on my lip, and I then slid my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues wrestled for a few seconds, and then I was out of breath. I needed a break. I pulled my lips away from his, and his hands remained planted firmly around my waist.

       “I love you too,” I said, “always and forever.”

       “Always and forever, Jules,” he said, inclining back into me until his lips connected with mine once again. Always and forever…

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