31. || ღ Break ღ || Yami Marik

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It was his nature to break people's minds and send them to the Shadow Realm. But this woman just wouldn't snap!

She was an odd one alright, even cheering from the sidelines while he had been dueling Mai Valentine to "use that bad ass Millennium Rod to make me forget about Tea, too! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" enthusiastically amidst the disapproving looks from the pharaoh and his pals.

Speaking of which, the odd woman was now walking down the hallway towards him, cowboy hat missing from her head for the time being. "Oh, hey, if it isn't everyone's favorite psychopath!" she smirked, pointing at him enthusiastically. He narrowed his eyes at her;

"Oh I'd watch what you say, Kelly-dear, I have plans for you." He snickered, his own smirk spreading over his lips as he watched her blink once or twice at him.

"... Why are you grinning at me like that?"

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