27. || ღ Love ღ || DBZ - Vegeta

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"Why do you want to know?" the human woman snorted back at the Prince of all Saiyans who glared back at her.

"Just answer the question, woman!"

"Alright, alright... jerk..." she sniffed under her breath before moving on to try to explain. "Love is... well apparently it's about caring for someone a lot, or something..." Vegeta felt his eye twitch at the unsatisfactory answer as Rayna mimicked his cross-armed pose lost in thought.

"That's not helpful, woman!"

"Hey! It's not like I understand any of this crap either! So shut up!"

"Sometimes I get the feeling that those two were made for each other..." Bulma sighs helplessly to Chi-chi who nods with an amused look on her face.

100 Theme ChallengeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora