4. || ღ Lollipop ღ || Xerxes Break

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Riley lifted up the lid to her candy jar and peered inside with her piercing gray eyes. Empty. She figured that one would be, it was the stash that was out in the open after all, yet she still felt irritation, knowing that Break had been the one who had raided the whole jar clean.

Huffing she replaced the lid and went off to check each and every candy stash she had.

Each and every one of them remained empty.

A growl ripped its way out of Riley's throat before the obnoxious sound of someone sucking on a piece of candy sounded out from behind her. She glared over her shoulder at the silver-haired man, Emily ever present on his shoulder.

"Looking for something, Riley?" he taunted, licking the lollipop in his hand teasingly.

The act caused both a blush to flit across Riley's face and for irritation to build itself in the pit of her stomach.

"Naturally it was you." She snorted as the silver-haired man seemed to sashay his way over to her, still sucking on what should be her lollipop.

"Ah~ don't worry, Riley." He taunted, dipping his mouth close to her ear and smirking as the woman shivered. "I can share with you."

And then he promptly stuffed the lollipop right into Riley's mouth and walked off happily as Riley's face remained beat red.

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