14. || ღ Life ღ || KH2//Axel

188 4 0

"But you're still breathing and existing!" protested the fiery Twilight Town resident. They had met entirely on accident, and now Roxas and Axel couldn't seem to get rid of her existence in their lives whenever they came to the eternally dusk-lighted town. Roxas turned his cerulean gaze to his red-headed friend who was the only one participating in the argument.

"Yes, but nothing can live without a 'heart,' got it memorized, Leona?" Axel sneered, tapping his temple at the catch phrase. "So in essence we are just shells of life."

"No!" Leona stomped her foot and narrowed her eyes angrily at the redhead. "You think as I do! You breath as I do! You still feel pain when I punch you!" she demonstrated this point by stomping closer and punching the Nobody on the arm causing him to flinch slightly.

"You feel, the heart just pumps blood and thusly oxygen to the body! It's the soul that fully gives out emotions! Thus you have life!" Axel blinked slowly at her logic and then scoffed as Roxas smiled silently munching away at his sea salt ice cream.

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