how you meet james potter

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A/N: i just got contact lenses today and it took me forever to take it out of my fooking eye and wow you have to do so much to care for it i'm just like wHAT IS THIS SORCERY


-the two of you would be paired as partners for a defense against the dark arts project, much to your dismay, making you absolutely loathe the idea

-meanwhile, he's mentally thanking every sort of God he can come up with from the top of his head

-he flirts with you (of course)

-you always roll your eyes and be like "what fucking ever potter"

-and he would think "oh shit i'm in the zone"

-he would always flirt with you, constantly no matter what, with any chance he could possibly get

-and of course, your response would be you rolling your eyes while mustering up a "not a chance, potter"

-after weeks of working together on this project, you would start to feel something for him, something that you never thought you would ever think for james potter, smittenness 

-and after feeling such a thing you begin to flirt back with, then it becomes your usual "thing" for the both of you

-but obviously, you would think that his whole flirting gig was just a game and that some harmless flirting wouldn't hurt anyone at all

-lmao wrong

-suddenly, after weeks of working with one another, the project was over and the both of you never felt so empty and depressed in your whole entire lives 

-then you both quickly recognize that that feeling is love furthermore realizing he's definitely gotta get the girl in order to feel that passion

-so he runs

-to find you, in the library

-that perfect scene is set, you minding your business in the library doing your homework and studying, then james stepping into the area

-you look up to see james towering over you, thanks to his height, and him stuttering up a sentence

-"look, y-you probably don't even like me, hell, i don't even like my own self. but i, i can't keep doing this to myself, i'm not just flirting with you to get into your pants, i only do it to get into your heart and to see if that little part of you has any feelings for a lad like me. and if you don't, i can go on my way, but if you do, i will be the happiest man in this very library which is why i ask of you, will you go out with me?"

-leaving you shocked and the whole library silent, everyone awaits your answer

-you get up from your wooden chair

-only to end up kissing him

-that's the only response he needed, wrapping his masculine arms around you.

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