how i met your mother (1) - REMUS

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 In which a 40-year old Remus Lupin tells the story of how he met his wife

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In which a 40-year old Remus Lupin tells the story of how he met his wife.

inspired by the show "how i met your mother"


        Remus John Lupin wanted to tell a story to his kids, an incredible story in which they've heard a million times but never actually took the time to hear every single detail.

        "Kids, I'm going to tell you the story of how I met your mother," Remus began in his posh-British accent facing his children.

        "Are we being punished for something?" His younger son questioned. The sandy-haired man — with an exception of a few newly welcomed gray hairs — let out a 'no.'

        His older daughter sighed, "Yeah, is this going to take a while?"

        The elder man nodded, "yes, so get comfortable in your seats because I'm going to take you back twenty-five years ago before I was 'dad' I had a whole other life."

        That's when he began his story... "It was all the way back in 1987 when I was 27. Just starting to make it as a Professor, teaching the dark arts, and living in the Muggle world, aka London with James, my best friend from Hogwarts. My life was good, that was until Uncle James went and screwed the whole thing up."

        James was on his knees about to utter the forsaken words in which he couldn't look back now, "will you marry me?" he asked opening the little box which the diamond ring was held in.

        Though he didn't actually say it to the woman he loved and wanted to say the words too, he was practicing to his good old, twenty-seven-year-old pal, Remus.

        The messy sandy-haired man practically jumped with excitement, "Yes! Perfect, then you're engaged, you pop the champagne, drink a toast, you have sex on the kitchen floor!" Suddenly contemplating on his response for a moment, he corrected, "don't have sex on the kitchen floor."

        The brunet man nodded, "Got it, and thanks for helping me plan this out, Moony."

        "Mate, are you mad? It's you and Lily! You've been chasing after this girl for years, and I've been there for all the big moments between you and her." Prongs went into the kitchen to grab two butterbeer bottles from the kitchen handing one to Remus, "The moment you met, your first date, other first things..."

        James chuckled nervously rubbing his hand behind his neck, taking a sip of his beer, "Y-Yeah sorry about that mate, we thought you were asleep."

        "It's physics Prongs. If the bottom bunk moves, the top one moves too." He leaned against the refrigerator for leverage for what he's about to say. "But mate do you realize you're getting engaged tonight?"

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