one more night (1) - SIRIUS

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In which during the night when both Sirius and Y/N couldn't sleep, they go out to the Black Lake

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In which during the night when both Sirius and Y/N couldn't sleep, they go out to the Black Lake.

inspired by the song "one more night" by stars


        Tossing and turning repeatedly in his sleep was not something Sirius had planned as he attempted to possess a restful slumber. Ultimately having enough he stood up, looking at the alarm clock next to him that had read 3:12 AM. His gray eyes had carried a jaded look along with dark rings underneath, his eyes feeling weighed down. His legs carried him out of the dorm room where his roommates stayed asleep, James' snores erupting the room.

        Uttering a 'lumos' under his breath, the dark-haired man trudged the halls of the magical school. His fingers gripping the wand on the palm of his hand, a bright light at the end of it. He was unaware of where he was leading himself, but once he came outside standing in the middle of his favored place in all of Hogwarts — The Black Lake — he knew he was doing the right thing. His eyes lingered around his surroundings to see if it was safe to sit down and take in the calm breeze the wind was offering him, but his eyes stopped to see a future sitting in front of the lake. The man got closer to see it was indeed his former girlfriend in front of it, his one true love, the one that got away, Y/N Y/L/N.

        Try as he might he was unable to speak. Sirius was contemplating whether or not to go over and join her or to go back to his dorm room. Looking thoughtfully and thinking for a while, he decided it was now or never and decided to join his ex-girlfriend.

        The pair didn't exactly end on good terms, they were in love and wanted to have a future but she wanted to focus on her studies and Sirius completely understood. After the break-up, being that they have mutual friends, it was bound that they were to run into each other from time to time; and when they did, constantly, she avoided him. Acted as if she didn't know him, as if they had never met. He was a tad heartbroken, his dazzling smile faltering. Their relationship was most certainly not considered a 'one-time thing' or what James likes to put it which caused him to always question why she would act in such a way. That was when he began his riot of sleeping with girls, drinking, smoking, the bad habits that the Sirius Orion Black was known for.

        Yet there he was crawling back to the girl that got away. The girl heard footsteps coming her way and she looked up only to meet the man that she had been avoiding for a while, she nearly was about to move away but stopped when he asked, "Can I join you?" She shrugged, scooting over to make room.

        After a moment of peaceful silence, Y/N wanted to ask what he was doing out of bed so late when Sirius chose to voice her thoughts out himself, "I couldn't sleep if that's what you're wondering, and I didn't know where else to go since this is my favorite place of Hogwarts."

        "Same here," She turned her body to look at him for a split second, "I couldn't sleep either."

        There was an awkward silence between the two youngsters, that was until he turned to her with an epic force, "Why have you been avoiding me?"

        "I don't wanna say..."

        "Wha...?" He scoffed, "One day you say you love me, you want to spend the rest of your life with me. The next you act like you don't fucking know me like I was nothing but a game to you?" Sirius started to shout now. "You cannot possibly have an excuse for dumping me and breaking my heart for you to focus on studying which I completely understood and supported you throughout it but then acting like you never met m-"

        His rant was cut off by the girl shouting with much strength that her little body could carry to prove her point, "Because I'm still in love with you!" Another silence emerged, Sirius feeling worn out as if he just ran a ten-mile run or more. "That's why I couldn't face you, okay!? I'm still fucking in love with you!" The girl repeated.

        He moved to where she was sitting, his large palm stroking her delicate cheek. Y/N didn't protest her thoughts screaming, take me like that, ruin it all.

        He drops to his knees says, "please my love, please." His thoughts then screaming I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze. She was the one that closed the gap, crushing her soft lips onto his slightly chapped ones.

        One more night, that was a good one. He starts with her back cause that's what he sees. When she's breaking his heart she still fucks like a tease. Release to the sky, look him straight in the eye. Leaving him empty just because he's a man. So good when it ends, they'll never be friends.

        He hopped into bed that night feeling invincible and ready to sleep because one more night, he dreamed it was a good one.


part 2, the finale, is next! -->

word count: 869

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