Ch 75: Akimichi vs Inuzuka

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"Can we continue the exams now gramps!?" Naruto asked climbing on top of him into his lap.

"Uh I don't see why not. Everything looks fixed. Good jo-" hiruzen was about to say to the man but the kids all cut him off. Naruto yelling straight in his ear.

"It was us! We fixed it!" They yelled ready to murder the builder ninja yet again.

"All of us together gramps!" Naruto grinned proudly.

"That is no longer surprising to me" Hiruzen sighed rubbing his forehead.

"Well we did until Naruto and Sasuke decided to turn back time" Shikamaru said smoothly as he leaned lazily against a wall his head on Temari's shoulder. She was a comfy pillow.

Hiruzen's pipe clattered to the floor. His eyes were wide with shock. "Y-you boys did what?" Hiruzen questioned his heart race quickening. It became painful. He suddenly found it hard to breath. Dots dancing in his vision.

"Uh oh...out of the way Naruto. He's having a heart attack" Sakura said climbing next to Naruto calm about the situation as Naruto started to freak out. Sasuke pulled him away from Sakura a few steps so she could focus on preventing the third hokage from dying years early.

"Heart attack!? What do you mean he's having a heart attack! He can't be having a heart attack! Don't let him die!" Naruto screamed.

"Naruto will you shut up. He's old. It's common. Let Sakura concentrate" Sasuke told him.

"Easy for you to say! This is all your fault! If you had never called me down there then-"

"Woah you are not pinning this on me! It's a two person jutsu. We both are taking equal responsibility for this" Sasuke glared.

"What? No! Sasuke stop talking as if he's dead!" Naruto yelled.

"Me? Your the one trying to blame this on me!" Sasuke shot back. Sasuke winced as sand flicked the back of his neck. He glared at Gaara.

"I'm not angry I'm defensive" Sasuke told him.

"You had a bug on you" Gaara said opening a tiny hole in the sand whip so Shino could see it.

"Same bug" Shinzo announced putting it in a case with seals identical to the other one.

"Does it have baby rinnegan eyes?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, it seems someone is targeting Sasuke specifically." Shino answered.

Sasuke's eye twitched. Why couldn't someone go after Naruto for a change? Why'd it have to be him? Naruto was the prodigal son. Naruto was the savior of this story. He should be the one being attacked not him.

"There we go. Better lord third?" Sakura questioned the now coherent hokage.

"Yes thank you miss haruno" Lord third said now healed.

"I'll put this with the other one. Sasuke stay away from bugs" Shino told him walking away.

"Why can't they land on you? Why me? I mean seriously. Why target me!? I haven't even used my rinnegan yet" Sasuke hissed at Naruto.

Naruto shrugged, "how am I supposed to know. Look let's just keep going with the exams and figure this all out later. We Don't want to not get to fight each other in the exams again do we?" Naruto questioned.

"Scroll the board already" kiba said pumped. He still had to fight.

"Okay well I think my chances are pretty good this time. All the really powerful people already went." Choji said as he ate some chips out of a bag.

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