Ch47: about damn time the pedo died

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"Sasuke are you sure about this?" Naruto asked him as they ran through the woods in search of Orochimaru and Danzo.

"What do you mean? They should have been killed days ago" Sasuke said shooting Naruto a curious glance.

"No i know that it's just...." Naruto sighed trailing off.

Sasuke frowned and slowed stopping Naruto by grabbing his arm. "It's just what Naruto?" Sasuke questioned.

"Are you sure we can't save kabuto?"

"Unfortunately Yes, if his will wasn't so submissive toward orochimaru we could have but he's to far gone. I'm sorry i know how much you wanted to save him. Speaking of saving there's something i've been meaning to ask you about..." Sasuke said.

"Ask away"

"Are you sure we shouldn't just let my clan die?" Sasuke asked hesitantly wincing even as he spoke. Those words were like poison.

"W-what Sasuke of course i'm sure! They're your family! Of course we're saving them!" Naruto declared. How could-why would Sasuke even suggest such a thing!?

"But the coup. They aren't-they haven't-Naruto what if they don't call it off?" Sasuke asked distraught. His dad was to stubborn. The clans plsns weren't changing the way he originally thought. It wasn't working!?

"They will."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Your father is just beginning to see the error of his ways. Your opening his eyes Sasuke. Slowly but surely. He'll stop it. When the time is right. If you ask him to he'll stop it. These things take time."

"And thats why your hokage and i'm the anbu. You see the best in people and i see the worst." Sasuke smirked beginning to run again.

"Heh we are two sides of the same coin!"

"Oh your going sage of seven paths on me now?"

"Seven? Hey! I don't want to be some all knowing old fart!"

"Lord third does it pretty well"

"Can't argue there."

A kunai suddenly burst through the trees. Naruto blocked it immediately. Sasuke threw a shuriken in response his sharingan transforming to mangekyou.

"Naruto can you sense him?" Sasuke asked as his eyes flicked everywhere trying to find the attacker.

"Yeah look towards two o'clock in the brush of the canopy up theere" naruto said nodding toward the direction.

"Damn!!" A voice screamed in terror.

"Looks like we found the pedo" Sasuke smirked.

"Yeah but where's the shady dirt bag?" Naruto asked.

"I don't see him anywhere...can you sense him?"

"No not even a trace of him....maybe Orochimaru's evil is so intense that it literally masks Danzo's like a shield" Naruto suggested.

"I guess thats all the more reason to kill him....wait holy shit naruto look where we ran to....oh the irony of this happening" Sasuke chuckled.

"No way..." Naruto whispered with a grin. They were in the forest of death. In the exact same spot as last time.

"Hey boys! Did you find anyone i can hurt yet?" Sakura asked jumping down.

"The pedo's quivering in fear in the brush in the canopy above us at two o'clock." Sasuke suggested.

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