Chapter 82 - The Escape

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For some time, everything seemed to be going according to plan. But when was the last time everything had gone exactly as I had planned?

That evening I was sleeping back in the dorm. I was so tired, practically couldn't see clearly. During my detention, I totally blacked out so I thought that it would be better skipping some Transfiguration. But that evening I was awakened by Luna's and Neville's shouts. I opened my eyes to see that outside it was nearly dark.

"Anne! Wake up! They're coming for you!" shouted Luna getting into the dorm.

I instantly sat up, hardly understanding anything of the things she said.

"What? They can't be coming... I would have known... I would have seen it in a vision!" I said feeling drowsy.

"No, they are really coming!" said Neville.

"How do you know?"

Neville didn't answer with words. He just gave me a piece of paper quickly.

They are coming. Save yourself. You have less than half an hour.


It was Severus that was sending this and I knew.

"Did Severus give this to you? How can this be? I've seen so many visions... None of them-" I said but Luna interrupted me

"It's not the right time to figure that out. They are coming for you!"

"I can't trust Severus! He killed Albus!"

"Let's not risk it okay? The Death Eaters have gathered in the Great Hall!"

It was strange. Every single day I forced myself seeing a bunch of visions and lost so much energy just to find out that they weren't true. If Voldemort decided to take me today, I should have seen that a week ago. But a week ago I saw him deciding to keep me at Hogwarts for as much as it takes for me to break down and ask for mercy. He wanted to show me his strength. That was the main reason he killed Draco after all...

"You're already late!" said Luna.

We were going to the Astronomy Tower. It was a miracle that we didn't meet a Death Eater in the way. When we reached the top, we firstly hid ourselves in case a Dementor could see us. Then Luna leaned against the railing and she whistled three times, in a very strange way and rhythm. In moments, Buckbeak was flying to the sky in our direction. When it landed it ran up to Luna waiting for her to stroke it.

"He always answers in this call..." she said, kindly while petting him. "Now, quickly! Go! Surely someone saw him flying," she said and I immediately climbed the hippogriff.

For a moment, we stared at each other. Just thinking of all the things we lived together, but also thinking of all the things we may not be able to live now.

"I hoped that I would have a better chance to say goodbye to the school. I didn't expect leaving so quickly," I said looking around.

"You'll come back. When all this is over, you'll come back," said Luna holding my hand. I felt tears coming to my eyes.

"It was nice meeting and living with you Luna Lovegood," I said, struggling to maintain a straight face.

"Annalise Riddle, this is not farewell. It is hardly goodbye. We will meet again. I promise. Remember, Hogwarts will always be here to welcome you home," she said.

And with these last words, I left the Astronomy Tower, the place that had hosted what seemed to be my whole life. I didn't have much time to look back, but I did. Only for a second so I could see my home again. I was sure was that it might be the last time I would get a glimpse of it.

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