Chapter 38 - Leaving mind

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There never was a question of what I would do with my life. No matter what it may cost, I had to do the right thing. No matter if I was happy or not, I had to do it. It always came down to what was right.

After I left Narcissa drinking downstairs, I went up to Draco's room and carefully packed my things. He didn't wake up this time. I took my truck and didn't start thinking of how the hell I would get out  of this place until I went out to the balcony. There, I remembered what Narcissa had told me. There are spells, I remembered.

A raven sat on the railing of the balcony. When I reached to stroke its wings, it flew away. It crossed the sky and then I thought of how much I would like to do this as well. I watched it flying up in the air and then stumbled on what seemed to be an invisible wall. A force field, I realised. That was the only spell that held me back, and as far as my knowledge went, force fields were in the shape of a dome. You couldn't fly over it, if that was your only chance of escape. But then again, how could the raven even get inside the dome? Wouldn't the field stop it?

The raven then started flying again but this time upwards, and never was never stopped by the force field again.

It's not a dome, I realised. It's a wall.

All I would have to do was fly over it. That was my chance. I took my broom and was ready to go when I needed to take a look of what I was leaving behind.

Draco. He was the one I would be leaving behind. This was what I would give up for the greater good. He would be the one that I could sacrifice because I didn't want to be trapped in a life supporting the only thing I didn't believe in; trapped in a life someone else had arranged for me.

Tears came soon enough, and that was when I knew I would have to go back inside the room and kiss him for one last time. A gentle kiss that I would never get again. A peck on the lips, careful not to wake him up but still capture the memory and save it forever, because I knew I would never relive it.

That was it. In the silence of the night, I took my life between my powerless fingers and decided to do, not what I thought I wanted, but what I knew was right. In the darkness of the night, I vanished forever.

*     *     *

Author's Note:

You just read the most controversial part of the book ever. This is the part where Annalise decides to escape and leave Draco behind.

I bet you're pissed off, or at least the majority of the readers were, as you can clearly see in the comments. I respect everyone's opinion and wholeheartedly think that you should express it no matter what that is. Not to mention that when you're reading about a character that is not perfect (I mean, who is, right?) it is inevitable that you'll come across a choice that this character made that is going to make you hate on the character.

However, the choice of leaving the Malfoy Manor got so many reactions that I felt the need to write about it and tell you my opinion about it. Anne has just found out that she is Voldemort's daughter and her world has turned upside down. She also knows that Draco has been lying to her for more than a year by not telling her about her true identity. She keeps seeing enemies everywhere. She is quite young and naive to comprehend that Voldemort could kill people at such ease as to kill the Malfoys if he knew Anne escaped. Above all, she is a pure heart and she doesn't know the cruelty of this world yet.

Also, Cissy just told her she is just a pawn in their plans. And Anne was never one to buy threats.

Does all this make Anne's choice - to leave the Manor - the right choice? I hear you asking. No. It's not the right choice. It is the wrong choice. There were much better ways to handle with this (bare with it and then work as a spy, say). It is the stupidest and wrongest choice she is going to make in this book. But that doesn't make this choice incomprehensible, due to Anne's current fragile state.

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