Together at Last.

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Zak's POV

I watched John as he cut open Ty, I held Ty's hand but I knew she couldn't feel it.

Aaron and Bacon stood behind Ty's head, I swear I saw Aaron praying. There was blood everywhere, my heart started to drop. What if she doesn't make it? What is the baby doesn't make it.

"Nilla wash cloths" John demanded.

I stared intently at Ty's stomach, a white light started to peer from her. Was I the only one who could see this? "Aaron? Do you see that?" I whispered.

"Blood? Yea" he sarcastically answered.

"No the light, the white light?" I rubbed my eyes making sure I wasn't seeing things or if my eyes were deceiving me.

"Here he comes Zak, Nilla blankets." John got my attention.

Silence took over the room, all you could her was heavy breathing and a million and one silent prayers.

"11:11pm, Welcome to the world Baby Boy Bagans."

Right then and there John pulled out my baby, he glowed of a beautiful white light. My arms went to grab him, I needed him in the flesh, I wanted to hold him and make sure he knew he was loved.

"John, he is breathing fine" Nilla wrapped up my boy.

"G-give me him." I stuttered. John nodded, Nilla carefully gave me my son.

"Oh my god." He was an angel.

I had him, in my hands. He was real, the world seemed to have stopped and everything was this moment right now. By looking at him I wanted to be a better person, better man, better father and a better husband-to-be.

I never knew love like this, looking into his hazel eyes. "I promise to always be here for you, I promise to love you unconditionally. You are my world, the reason I breathe and the reason I smile."

Nilla came up to me opening her arms up, I knew what she was doing. My boy was a premi baby, he needed to be check.

"No no" I whispered as Nilla took my son. "I just got him." I cried.

"He needs to be hooked up to a breathing system, he needs a little help. It's okay Zak." John rested his arms on me. "Focus on Ty, getting her to wake."

He was right, Ty was still next to us showing no signs of waking up. I kneeled beside her and kissed her forehead. "It's time to wake up. I need you, our son needs you." I kissed her again.

"We'll take her up to her room, she should awaken soon. Her vitals look good." John urged us out of the room. "Go see your son, I wanna be there when she wakes up." He lowered his head. "I have a lot of explaining to do."

Tyler's POV

It's time to wake up.

My body jolted as I sprung up from a deep sleep, I was in hospital. Flat stomach, no Zak, no baby but a man who stood next to me.

"Tyler" he spoke.

"John." I laid back down and just cried. I've been searching for him for decades, I was believed to think he was dead.

"P-please don't cry. I'm sorry. So sorry." John kneeled besides me and begged for forgiveness. "Please I'm sorry, I didn't have choice."

"You're alive. How?" I rolled over to face him.

"He took me, I don't remember where but he had me. But I got out, I ran for the hills. I worked hard for years till I was legal, I could pay for my passport and leave this country. I had to run from him. He told me you were dead, he told me he had you dead. I couldn't live with myself so I fled the country when I was 22." He gasped. "I went to Australia, built a life. Met Nilla, she is one of a kind. She believed me when I told her, told her about our satanic worshiping parents, the devil and you."

"H-how did you find me?" I grabbed his hand.

"The show. I watched your interview, as soon as I laid my eyes on you I knew it was you. You were alive so I came running to Vegas. We have so much to catch up on, I know it's probably too late but can we start all over again? I miss you sister."

"It's never too late, never." I brought him in for a hug, it felt like home. Memories of us being together fled my mind, oh how I missed him. "Where's my baby? Please tell me he made it?" I clung to John.

"He sure did make it. Zak has in, your son is in intensive care for breathing purposes. But he is alive and well, he came straight out and breathed in his own  Zak had him, Zak wouldn't let go of him. He loves you."

"W-hat? Hold on. Zak's here? After he left me!" I pulled away, I got out of bed. "Where's my baby?"

"Tyler it's okay." He assured me.

"I want my son." I pushed him away. "Where is he?" John pointed to where my son was, I raced out of the room and ran to wherever I was going.

I raced the hallway, going into the last room. It was early morning and the sunlight beamed through the room.

There Zak stood with my baby, in the gleaming light. They looked like angels.

"Za--" I panted.

"Sssh he's asleep." He rocked our son perfectly, they seem to fit like a glove.

"He can breathe?" I walked slowly over. "He doesn't need tubes?" And then I looked at him.

He was perfection. Dark hair, like his daddy. My skin, Zak's lips and my nose. He was my imagination of perfection.

"I'm sorry." Zak looked down at me. "Aaron?" Aaron came in and took my baby, I gasped incase they dropped him. I watched Aaron intently as he left the room with my little one.

"I wanted to propose. I wanted to give you a ring, I wanted to be the one that heard you say yes. I wanted to give you home for our family. And I still do." He kneeled and brought out the most beautiful ring.

"Zak?" I cried.

"I love you. I've never needed someone so much in my life till I met you, you brought me to life. I'd say marry me me but Ty, I need you to marry me. I want to have us together forever cause I don't think I could breathe without you or my son. I want to have more babies, I want a big family with you." Without a doubt I nodded and kneeled down to him.

"Yes yes always yes." He slipped the ring on and I wrapped my arms around him.

"I brought us a new house, new memories." He smiled.

"You're perfect." I kissed him.

"Our family is perfect." We stood up together and headed to find Aaron.


"I want to bite him." Zak watched our son sleep in his little cot, John and Nilla had put oxygen tubs in him so he can sleep peacefully.

"Don't think biting is a good idea Zak." John entered the room laughing. "Though he is delicious."

"I was thinking the same! Congrats guys" Nilla brought me in flowers, she placed them down and hugged me. "What are we naming him?"

"I have an idea?" Zak peeped. "Marcus John Bagans." Zak looked at John.

"Zak man" John was nearly in tears, Nilla went and stood by his side hugging him.

"I think it's perfect." I looked over to Marcus, it fit like a glove.

Nilla and John gave us a minute alone, Zak wrapped his arms around me. "I can't wait to take you guys home. I just can't fucking wait to start a lifetime together" he kissed me.

Zak's kiss was more than anticipated. My nails clung into him and I wanted him closer. "How about we make another one?"

"How about we get this one home first?" I bit his lip. We both turned to Marcus and watched him sleep.

He was perfection.

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