Part of the Contract.

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A week later.

"Can't believe you want to move out?" Matt rolled his eyes. "Into a house, without me?"

"I have too. I gotta do this for me and bubba." I hugged my slight belly. "Besides.."

Matt mocked me. "Zak won't find us." He grumbled. "Who cares if he does, honestly Ty do you think he will?"

My stomach started to churn, knowing the idea that Zak doesn't care could kill me. Knowing he won't look high and low for me made me want to huddle to the floor and cry for about a million years but I have to be strong.

"He probably won't. Can we not discuss him?" I held up my hand at Matt's face. "Not even the show. Or his body! Okay."

"Fine. Leave all our conversations to babies, butt wiping, what formula to give them, how to burp them. Exciting conversations!" He cheered. "I actually envy you."

"Me. Envy?" I stopped.

"You got your life together." I scoffed. "Tyler you always manage to get your life back on track no matter what hits you down, look at all the issues you have with your brother, with Zak and the show? And now this. You're built to bounce back."

"I've had to adjust but wouldn't have done it without you and" I bit my lip. Aaron helped me, he helped me become strong. To not be scared. "And others." I smiled.

"It's okay to admit you trusted others. That's life honey." Matt kneeled before me. "Look what you created, look what you're going to have. This little miracle will think the world of you."

"Stop before I cry." I cried.

Zak's POV

I didn't know it was possible to miss someone this much until I rolled over in the middle of the night and tried to wrap myself around her but found nothing but cold sheets and an empty bed. Her.


"Fuck!" I was done with the rolling around, I was getting up and distracting myself. Which I'd normally do with sex and a nameless face but the thought of sex maybe me think about two things; sex leads to a baby which reminds me of Tyler and secondly, no one compares to Tyler. She's ruined me.

I headed into my kitchen and picked up my phone once again checking for a message from her but again nothing. It's been more than a week, only a week and she was in my head.

To my surprise, I had Matt's number

"Hello?" Matt grumbled. Must've woke him up.

"Matt is Zak." I waited for a groan or maybe him hanging up on my but he gently exhaled.

"You should probably delete my number."

"Why?" I sat down. "How's Tyler? And the-my.."

"Baby. Your baby. I'm not allowed to say. Tyler wants nothing to do with you, she wants you to leave her alone." I could tell Tyler put him up to this.

"Is she okay? I can't not think about her! She's carrying my baby for heavens sake! I'm the father!" I yelled.

"Your baby? A father! Zak no father walks away." He scoffed. "Bye."

And that was it. He wasn't giving me anything, not even information on my kid.

"Hello hello" Aaron walked in ignoring me and heading straight into my kitchen. "Starving!"

"Comfortable?" He rummaged through my cupboards but ended up taking an apple.

"'Mm so good" he drooled. "What's up?"

"Just spoke to Matt" I placed my phone down.

"And? How's Tyler? The baby?" Aaron stopped chewing.

"He umm he won't tell me anything. Said I should delete the number." I shrugged.

"I went by his house last week and was told to leave her alone. We all should. It doesn't feel right. She might've been a part of us for a little while but she definitely made her impact." Aaron was right.

"I want to talk to her." I sooked.

"Zak!" A female voice trailed through the house making my heart skip a beat, but my heart suddenly dropped when I noticed it was Cc not Tyler. "Dan wants to know if you're all up for a little interview about the show? Everyone is invited."

Everyone. Tyler is part of that everyone, I could see her again. Maybe even talk to her.

"Zak?" Cc waved her arms at me. "Hello?"

"W-what." I stuttered. "Yea yes. I'm in." I smiled.

I turned to Aaron smiling.

"I'm glad you've found your smile back but don't kid yourself Tyler will be there or the fact she'll talk to you." He had a point but I remember signing a very important part of the contract.

"She'll be there, contract Aaron." The grin on my face was larger than expected.

"Don't consider yourself lucky. She doesn't have to talk to you." Aaron suddenly became angry at the thought of us coming together.

"Why the anger?" I folded my arms.

"BECAUSE! She is the woman carrying your baby. The baby you walked away from, the woman you walked away from. You don't get to make comments like that, she has no obligation to talk to you." He threw his apple away and headed for the front door.

"You're hurt because you lost your root, your bed warmer. She's hurt because she lost someone she loved. The baby isn't even born yet and its father hasn't given two shits about it. The father doesn't care, forgive me for being rude Zak but you're like your father." He opened the door and headed out.

Didn't he know I lost someone I loved too.

The Paranormal and Us (Zak Bagans Fan Fic) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora