The Bump.

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It was like a fairytale; birds whistling, sun shining and I was loved up.

I tossed my body over to see Zak asleep. So cute.

"Hmm" I softly groaned and nuzzled my face under his arm. I have him back, I don't wanna lose him again.

"I might stink" Zak spoke. His head deep in the pillow.

"I don't care." Grumbled into his skin. "It's you."

"Can I get you anything?" He moved his arm away so I could see him. He pulled me up to him and nestled his nose to mine.

"More sleep?" I closed my eyes and nestled into his chest more.

It was home, his heart beat, his warmth, his arms wrapped around me it. It was was home. And clearly the baby liked it, he started to kick again.

"He's awake." Zak laughed.

"Isn't it cute he started to kick when you're around." I bit my lip.

"He knows daddy is here."

Zak rolled off the bed and headed to the bathroom, I heard the shower begin to start. "Coming?" He called out.

I sat up deciding to join Zak, he says he'll be here but what if another incident happens, what if he can't deal with these big changes. Has he thought about how much his life will change, what he brings home or what weird antique might curse him? It's a lot to take in.

"Ty?" Zak called out again. I got up and dragged my ass to the shower. I snuck in and wrapped my arms around him.

"What time are we leaving?" I mumbled from behind him.

"I don't want you to come for lockdown. I'm too scared you'll hurt yourself or our boy." He removed my hands from him and turned to me. "You understand where I'm coming from?"

"But I'm here to help investigate?" I frowned. I didn't mind sitting out but I wasn't going to ruin my career and get fired. "I need a job Zak."

"I spoke to Dan, I explained and he is fine with it." He brought me in closer. "Besides you have to come live with me, I won't live apart from you and him. By the way have you decided a name yet?" He smirked.

"At least let me come to lockdown and sit and watch?" I clung onto him shoulders feeling protective of him. "We can decide a name together but not now."


"You're cold?" Zak wrapped a blanket around me hard. "You should've stayed back the resort." I rolled my eyes.

I should've stayed but the feeling of staying by myself I didn't like. With their lockdown I wasn't comfortable to leave Zak alone. This lockdown want good for Zak.

"I'm not going." I shivered as I spoke. He went to argue but I held my finger. "Anywhere."

He just smirked and left me to it. I was protective of Zak, if he is in any trouble I'm ready for war.

"Going to be my buddy tonight?" Jay broke me out of my own thoughts, I nodded as a reply. "Awesome."

"Y-you think it's safe they do this, again?" I watched Aaron, Billy and Zak all prep for their lockdown. Not only was it cold and I'm mean excruciatingly cold but this lockdown broke them. I keep seeing how Ash came out of this, I didn't want to see any of them like that.

"I think knowing that they've done this before they're ready for it. He'll be okay Ty" Jay patted my shoulder. "Come sit."

2 hours past..

"You going to be okay?" Jay stood up and geared up.

"You're not going in are you?" I went to protest but with this crew, protesting was going to get you no where. Jay just smiled, a reassuring smile.

It had been 2 hours and we watched Aaron panic, Billy was scared and Zak was in a whole different world. I tried a few times to get up and go to Zak but Jay pulled me back down. 'He'll be okay' I was told more that a million times.

Jay left me alone, I watched the screen to see all four guys on the bridge. Jay had put his bag down and pulled out a few things, another camera and equipment.

"Let's finish what we started." Zak carried on.

Shit. They were finishing what they started on their last visit here. My stomach was practically in knots, my palms were sweaty. This wasn't good.

I watched intently as they begin their experiment. I watched them become agitated, Billy was disoriented. Zak was angry, struggling to stand still. Pacing up and down the bridge.

"I can't watch" I threw myself out of the chair and refused to look at the screen.

I stood just outside the tent and looked into the woods, it was scary but inviting. I took a few steps out and focused my eyes on the moving bushes, there was no wind. I zipped up my jacket and took more steps into the woods.

"Hello?" I called out. Nothing.

I knew I'd be stupid if I went further in, so I turned to head back to the tent when I heard a cry for help coming from the bridge.

I grabbed a camera and ran to the bridge where I saw Zak on his knees crying. This was war.

I raced up to him falling to my knees trying to get him to look at me.

"Ty step back" Aaron's firm hands tried to pull me away but my body was stronger. "He could hurt you."

"He wouldn't hurt me" I tapped Zak's face. "Hey" I whispered.

"Pleeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeee!" Zak's body was stiff, his eyes still closed and his ability to breathe suddenly became hard and sharp. "Stop!"

I grabbed his hands and placed them on my stomach. "Fight!" I yelled. "Fight for me, fight for us! Fight for him."

Zak's cry for help suddenly stopped, his body relaxed and his breathing turned normal. He crashed onto my lap and sobbed.

"See why you shouldn't have came back?" I ran my hands through Zak's hair. "It will destroy all of you." I looked up to see three confused faces look down on me.

"Can someone get him a jacket or blanket? He is cold." I hugged Zak until someone gave me something to cover him up with.

"H-how did you do that?" Aaron kneeled besides me as he laid a blanket over Zak.

"An instant reaction." I looked down at Zak's hands firmly on my stomach. "He knows when daddy needs him."

"Let's go guys. I'll close the circle, let's just get the fuck out of here." Jay spoke.

"Need help?" Aaron chucked.


We sorted ourselves out and headed back to the tent, packed up everything and headed into the RV. Zak was still dosey, he still hadn't understand what happened.

"Let me take him" Bacon grabbed Zak's arm and hurled it over his shoulder. "C'mon dude. One step at a time." Bacon spoke to Zak.

I followed the guys in. Zak was in bed, I wrapped him up and snuggled next to him. "Sleep okay" I whispered.

"Stay with me?" He mumbled.

"Ofcourse" Zak's arm brought the blanket over me and for the trip back to the lodge we snuggled. His hand over my stomach.

The Paranormal and Us (Zak Bagans Fan Fic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt