Trying To Move On

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Over a month later..

I was more okay than ever. Had a good job, financially amazing and had a great support of friends.

I was just missing a love life... and I only wanted one love and that was Zak.

"So you wanna tell me anything else?" Matt sat stunned. "I've been away and you've had this whole life and NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME!" He seems confused and angry.

"You weren't going to be any help being away." I rolled my eyes.

"I would've come back, I would've been here."

Maybe the great support of friends weren't going so great...

"You think I want to ring you and dwell all my problems on you? Make you think you need to come home. I'm a grown woman, I'm 29 I can deal with myself." I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes.

"But this issue well issues you've been through, you shouldn't go through alone." Matt patted my back. "I can't imagine what you've been through, alone."

I pushed Matt's hand away and stood up. "I've been alone. Majority of my life! No one has stuck, I'm used to this."

"Tyler" he scoffed. "Don't push me away."

"I'm not." I smiled. "I'm trying to get you to understand that I'm okay. I don't need Zak. I don't need him" I tried to convince Matt, over and over again. "I don't need him, not then, not now and definitely not ever!" I exhaled.

I was trying to convince myself. And it wasn't working.

"Have you two spoken?" Matt stood up.

"N-no." I choked. "I can't talk to him. I'll just cry." I wiped away my tear that was now rolling down my chin.

"Tyler babe" he gave me that I-know-you-miss-him look.

"I need him." I gave up. "But he doesn't want this so how could I allow him back in? I'm not a single anymore. I have to worry about baby boy."

"Baby boy" he smiled. "You never told me it was a boy." He placed his hand on my stomach.

"It's going to be a boy" I repeated. "I'm scared."

"You think he is going to look like him aren't you?" Matt held my hand.

"Petrified." I exhaled.


I arrived to work late, rushing around gathering paperwork.

"Late late late" Dan came into my office shaking his head.

"Sorry, had an appointment at the doctors. Went over time." I nodded at him then kept rushing around. I had only down two lockdowns, one by myself and one with a Vegas paranormal squad which was more dull than knitting.

"We've set you up to do another lockdown with another paranormal team." He sat down in my chair. "Take a seat Tyler."

I sat.

"How do you feel about working with Zak again?" He grinned.

Scared, angry, heartbroken, stunned.

"F-fine." I shrugged.

"Are you sure? I was given insight that you and him are having that baby?" He pointed at my stomach.

"That's really no ones business. Do you want me to do it or not?" I folded my arms and huffed.

"Go for it. Here's your ticket" he grabbed a envelope from his pocket. "Your flight is in 2hrs Miss Lowe." He grinned, stood up and let himself out.

"Denton, Texas" I read.

I thought to myself what would be there, I've never been to Texas.

I should pack and go.


I boarded my flight, I left Matt a message about where I was going and who I was going to. He laughed and laughed. It wasn't funny, I was going to be in agony. Same hotel, car trips, investigating together. I was going to have to look at him, talk to him.

'Billy will pick you up at your destination. No one knows you're tagging along, this shall be great. Enjoy.'

I never liked the messages from Dan. Why on earth doesn't Zak know I'm coming? He will flip out! I cringed hard and slammed my head in my palms.

I removed my hands and noticed my belly. My my my, when did it get so big. My nerves of seeing Zak again went away, I was in awe over my belly. The curve of it, I was pregnant. This was all real.


8pm.. Denton, Texas.

I was waiting by myself, the airport pick up bay was empty. It's was just me.

"Ty?" I turned to see Billy.

"You're finally here" I smiled.

"I'm picking you up? You're the surprise guest?" He didn't look convinced.

"Guess so." I shrugged.

"You're looking good, how are you feeling?" He picked up my bags.

"I feel good actually, pregnancy isn't too bad." I smiled.

"It suits you." He winked at me. "Why Ty let's go, let's go break the need to the crew. We've missed you."

I was shocked, they missed me.

"Well like Jay and Aaron plus myself, Zak hasn't been well. I presume he misses you." He spoke but didn't look at me. I followed Bill to the car processing what he said to me. Does he miss me?

"So what lockdown are we doing?"

"We're going back to Goatmans bridge" he opened the car door to let me in.

"You're going back. Why?" I shook my head. I remembered their last lockdown there, what it did to them. To Ash, to Bill, to Jay and Aaron. Especially Zak, this was no joke. And I'm here going into this pregnant.

Billy pulled up to a huge lodge, the RV was there so I knew they were all home.

"This is the place?" I got myself out of the car.

"7 bedroom lodge." He smiled. "Room for plenty."

We walked in to an empty front room, windows from floor to roof inviting the amazing view in. "Wow." I gushed. "This is extravagant."

"It's great. Zak knows how to get something good." He placed my bags down. "I'll get the guys, they're going to be happy to see you." Billy left and walked down the hallway.

I was alone in the room, the moonlight shining on me. I heard footsteps come up the hallway and stop.

I knew who it was, the room felt heavy. I couldn't move, so I stayed facing my back towards him. No words were being spoken, only the faint breathing patterns each of us where doing.

"Tyler." Zak spoke.

"Yep." I still didn't face him.

"You're not going to look at me."

"So far no, I'm here to work." I let my arms drop down to my sides. I turned and my eyes slowly followed to where he was standing. "Work only."

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