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I sat back in the sofa admiring Zak who was sitting up front with Bacon. He was laughing, singing, trying to dance and just having a good time. It was so good to see him smile instead of his anger look.

"See something you like?" Aaron flopped down next to me.

"A happy Zak? Not angry or yelling." I teased back with a flirty smile.

"Besides that, you like him." Aaron teased me.

"Nope. And if I did it'd be a complete waste of time." I folded my arms and continued to stare at Zak.


"Because I'm not a size 6, not blonde or tall, or have some exclusive life. I'm basic. Basic Ty." I nudged Aaron.

"And is basic a bad thing?" He raised his eyebrow.

"I'll never live up to what he has had. Our lives wouldn't match." I looked at Zak and saw him smiling, my stomach started to churn. Did I want Zak? Oh crap.

"Hey you two come down here!" Zak called for us.

We strolled down and took a seat, Aaron sat behind Bacon which left me to sit behind Zak. I looked at Aaron and mouthed 'fuck you'. He blew me a kiss and laughed.

"How you feeling today Tyler?" Zak put his phone away and turned the chair to me.

"Much better, can't wait to be back in Vegas. Something familiar." I smiled.

"We will be back in Vegas for only half a day you know that?" Zak grinned. "Grab fresh new clothes, I dunno if you need girly products, Dan will give us our next location and boom we're out again."

"Oh wow" I gasped. I haven't even recovered from the first lockdown, how am I going to keep this up. Sure the guys were pros at it but I'm still holding on to fear from the recent one and it was our first one.

"You okay?" Aaron grabbed my arm.

"I think I will be. I-I just didn't think we'd be going hard out, straight away, boom next location. I'm still thinking about our last one." I turned my eyes to Zak.

"Did you wanna talk about it?" Zak licked his lips.

"Oh no it's okay." I shrugged it off, smiled and was internally screaming inside my head.

"Rest stop?" Bacon slowly pulled over to petrol station. "Need some fuel."

We all piled out, Aaron ran to the shop and ordered his coffee, Bacon started to fill the car and I waddled to the bench and sat down wrapping my arms around my legs. If apart of me could do this, even for a job I need to let go of things. I need to be stronger, hell I've known Zak barely a week and he has seen me breakdown. They'll all be thinking 'she ain't worth it', and really was I?

"Mind if I join?" Zak already had planted his bum down and gave me a bottle of water. "For you."

"Thanks." I have him a shit smile.

"I really think we need to talk, I'm not 100% you're over the lockdowns and to be honest, I'm not either. You said things that have stuck with me and I want answers." He in screwed the bottle cap for me and scooted the water closer to me.

"And what if I don't wanna talk?" I looked up at him.

"Then I won't force you to but you're apart of this team. We will be living with each other and I can't not care about you." He placed his hand on my hand making me shoot up, the tingling feeling shot through my body fast, I couldn't even put words together.

"Tyler you said you knew the devil, you said he took your brother." He removed his hand.

"Zak. Please" I gasped, I looked the other way squinting my eyes. I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't fully trust Zak but apart of me wanted to spill everything. "I can't." I headed back to the RV.

I knew he'd follow, I knew he wouldn't let this go. As I turned around I bumped into his chest, I was face on with his neck. The exposed bare skin of his neck made me want to kiss him, trace my teeth along leaving my mark on him. My chest was heavy with desire and the need to have Zak, there was a definite feeling of wanting him between my legs.

"What are you thinking about?" He croaked. I looked up to see him looking down on me.

"A lot of things." I shakily answered. I peered my eyes back to his neck. "This spot actually." I grazed my finger down along his neck and Zak groaned.

"What about that spot?" He continued to groan.

He made that area on his neck more exposed leaving to me to believe he maybe sorta wanted it too. I reached on my tippy toes and planted a little kiss on his neck, my hands wrapped around his neck as I pulled him closer but it was never close enough.

Lust got the better of me and I started to nibble on his neck, Zak pushed me up against the wall and his hands wandered down to my backside. He patted my ass before me spanked me causing me to yelp and bite his neck which he started to growl.

I pulled back breathless as I watched Zak's hand rub his neck. I covered my mouth in shock that I bit him but in my defence I was spanked, surprisingly.

Zak cornered me and dragged his hand across my neck, he grip got a bit tighter and the air became thinner. "You've got a nice neck for choking." He growled in my ear. "And a nice ass."

He pulled away and went back to sit down, he left me panting and confused as to what just happened.

Clearly my hormones got the better of me.

I huddled on the sofa as everyone piled back in the car and we were off again, I looked at Zak who was again having a good time snapchatting, singing and being a fool. He acted like nothing had happened, like we weren't breathlessly panting on one another.

My legs were still shaking as his words were imprinted in my head, 'you've got a nice neck for choking.' I groaned in pain, the itch between hands wanting to feel him again and the wetness between my legs to have him.

Oh boy. This was going to be a long drive back home.

The Paranormal and Us (Zak Bagans Fan Fic) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora