Are We There Yet?

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"Tyler!" I groaned to the sun beaming in my room and a voice shouting my name. "Rise and shine sunshine!"

"Fuck off." I hissed.

"We start today." The blankets were ripped off me, I cuddle my knees and weeped like a little girl. "C'mon Tyler."

"Please I'm cold." I rolled around and then finally opened my eyes. "Aaron. Please."

"Let's go."


I headed into the conference room late, everyone looked at me while I sat down. Whispering and giggling was all I could hear, it was like being back in school.

"Each crew will get a location, spend four days and on the fourth day will hold their lockdown. Basically best lockdown will be shown more, we are testing all your talents and maybe just maybe if the show gets reviews we could potentially sign your group up for your own TV show." Dan  announced to the group. Everyone was pretty flat but my insides were jumping, a show! A contract with a station would absolutely be amazing for me.

But... my crew already had a TV show so they weren't going to be fussed. Maybe they might offer the show to me?

We all went to our group, my group was in the lobby glued to their cameras and laptops. I quietly sat next to them fiddling with my phone.

'I've teamed up with your boyfriend, Zak Bagans. LOL I'll let you know if he's interested ;)' I sent Matt a message and I knew he'd be hella jealous.

"Zak man! Did we get our location?" Billy was glued to his camera still.

"Yea, old boys home just outside Nevada. Didn't quite get the name but we're heading out tonight. That alright with you Tyler?" Zak asked me but I was too distracted by my phone.

"Oi!" Zak chucked a pillow at me.

"Huh! Sorry?" I gave an attempt of a flirty smile so he'd stop yelling.

"Tonight, location yes?" He spoke.

"Yea yes." I nodded happily then rolled my eyes as he turned his back.

"Saw that!" He yelled, Aaron giggled from behind his laptop.

"I think this will be the most interesting four days. Don't ya think guys?" Aaron laughed at then Billy and Jay looked at me and agreed with Aaron.


"An RV? Serious?" The huge RV pulled up. "This TV show has money" I commented.

"This is ours. And that's Bacon, the driver." Bacon jumped out the RV and greeted me.

"Ahh this must be the lovely Tyler I've heard so much about." He bowed for me. "I'm Robert, but we call me Bacon."

He kissed my hand and guided me to the RV, such a gentlemen he took my bags and showed me around.

"The bedroom is Zak's, the upper bunks are mine and Aaron's but we have the sofa that turns into a bed for you" he showed me.

"What about Jay and Bill?" I questioned.

"The follow us in the jeep, they carry all equipment. Now during the drive you are free to walk but just be careful." He winked.

I got myself comfy on the sofa bed when in the corner of my eye I noticed Zak in his room changing tops. I couldn't help but stare at the fine edges of his stomach, it was like watching him in slow motion every move he was made and those arms.

"Ready?" Yelled Bacon which instantly pulled me out of my inner whore thoughts.

We all said yes and soon enough we were in our way. I was in hell, trap in a vehicle for I don't know how long with a man I couldn't put up with and was half naked and Aaron who was already asleep. Kill me now.

I put my ear phones in and lost myself listening to music, I was humming away when I noticed Aaron popped his head down and winked at me. I realised maybe I was singing too loudly?

"Voice of an angel" Aaron laughed.

I awkwardly laughed. "Sorry. Carried away." I turned my music off. "Sleep well?"

"Nah, but I'm still tired. Need a coffee fix I think." He rolled off the bed and stumbled down to Bacon. "Can we stop for coffee?"

"Sure man. Next stop 20min" he called out.

"Tyler come join us?" Aaron took a seat in the passenger side, so I got up and slowly walked to them I had Bacons warning about being careful.

"So how long is this drive?" I buckled myself in.

"Long... but it's okay the journey is what counts. Road trips are fun!" Aaron cheered.

"Does Zak ever come out of his room?" I looked back at the door that stayed shut after I saw his god like body.

"He keeps to himself, he'll eventually come out and sit with us. Very private man." Bacon nodded.

"So what's the plan when we head to this location? You guys know each other's strengths and weaknesses so you are compatible to work with one another, what about me?" I opened up my notebook where I had written down things like that, where our location is, I did research on the location, I wanted to be prepared like these guys.

"Zak will let you know the plan, does he know what you can do yet? Your ability?" Bacon asked.

"Nope. If we speak, we argue. He doesn't listen to me, might have something to do with me because I have boobs and a vagina." I shrugged as Aaron and Bacon turned to me with white washed faces. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"Wow." Aaron was stunned. Bacon continued driving but still have shock all over his face.

"C'mon guys, there aren't many females in this field and he is not exactly happy to have me here." I rolled my eyes. "I would say he is threatened but it's not that."

"Zak's a proud man and he knows how do things, which is why he has a high top rated show. But would I say he's sexist? I don't know, he worked with Debbie and he loved her." Aaron defended Zak.

"Look I don't know but all I do know is the man doesn't like me which makes it uncomfortable for me cause I'm the odd one out." I undid my belt and headed back to the sofa and got some sleep. I felt like an idiot for arguing about Zak to his friends, surely by the time I wake up Zak will know our little debate on him.

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