Me, Myself and I.

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"Tyler you've gotta be excited about the challenge!" My (gay) best friend Matt came and smashed opened a bottle of wine.

"I am. But the big names I'll meet, c'mon I can't go against them!" I shook my head laughing at Matt due to the mess he made. "You're cleaning this up douche bag."

"Tyler baby look, they saw potential in you and gurl you know you have it. You've worked under the police, you've solved cases, what's got you worried?" Matt placed his drink down and came over to comfort me.

"I don't have my own show. People won't know me so they'll assume I know nothing." I shrugged my shoulders and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You'll be great. Vegas here we come!" He celebrated.


4months ago a TV channel called me up begging and pleading I be on their new show "The Paranormal". It's a show where they gather all kinds of experts in the paranormal field, team them up and see who's the best. All kinds of names had been thrown in the jar, names people knew but my name; no one knows me and now here I am boarding a plane to meet the crew.

My name is Tyler, I'm 28 and I'm a psychic.

I always knew I was different at an early stage, I had vivid nightmares that would carry on in reality. I always would see people that no else could see, I used to tell my mum but she'd just say 'they're in your head Ty', she would still to this day tell me that. My nan though always believed me, she'd listen to me and when I grew up I learnt that she too had the same gift.

Not many friends knew what I could do, only Matt. He first thought I was joking but then he believed me. He use to deal with me when I was at my worst, he stood by me through my possession I had 10 years ago. It was the worst night of my life, it was Halloween and we wanted a scare so we trespassed into an old church. I regretted that night but it taught me a valuable lesson, never tease the dead. Never push them.

One day a kid followed me home and I knew he was different because he had half his face missing, I tried to ignore him but I failed. He hung around for a week then when I'd pass the TV his face was all over the screen. He was known as Frank and he was missing, I couldn't believe he was here and dead. His poor parents.

I spoke to the police and they refused to listen to me, I tried my all, I even went to the family and they pushed me away. So I called in the news people, I got them to follow me and to my amazement the little boy took me to his body. Apart of me get proud that I had proved everyone wrong, that I knew what I was doing but as I looked at his lifeless little body I wished I was wrong. The bruises, the ripped of flesh from his face it brought me to my knees and I cried.

And now I'm a known psychic and off to Vegas to hopefully win over the haters and to prove women are valuable in this field. If I wasn't already freaking out, known paranormal heartthrob Zak Bagans will be there too and that was making me nearly cry.


"You can do this. It's 2 months, prove what you have babe." Matt kissed me on the cheek.

The crew of The Paranormal had us all stay in a hotel together. These people were the best of the best and I stood there pondering the idea of how the hell did I end up here? These guys would have their camera crews here, audio techs and I'm showing up with me, myself and I.

"Ty." Matt nudged me.

"I can't do this. I'm a wimp" I frowned.

"Yes but you're the best wimp I know." He chuckled back a laugh then brought me in close to his face. "If you get uncomfortable or want out just leave, call me and I'll pick you up and we'll leave. But Ty, I believe in you. Just like the others, they'll all believe you." He kissed my forehead and tapped my bottom to promptly move me.

"Here goes nothing" I mumbled to myself.

I walked into the lobby seeing piles of luggages, hard cases and people chatting; some getting along and others yelling at the receptionist. I huddled myself in the line and waited, I closed my eyes and looked away from everyone.

Until a luggage bag rammed me from behind.

"Oh god!" I screamed causing attention to myself, well done Ty.

"Sorry lady" the gentlemen picked up all his... toys?

"Collector?" I said as I bent down to help him.

"Definitely. Sorry." He apologised again. "Aaron." He held his hand out.

"Tyler" I nodded and shook his hand. "Wait Aaron Goodwin right, hey man." I held onto his hand but longer, surely he would've thought I was such a creep.

"Yea I'm the man. You watch the show?" He smiled.

"Ofcourse, guessing you're here for the show?" I looked around us and pointed to his bag which held a camera inside.

"Yep. The whole crew is here. Wait, how do you know about the show?" He looked puzzled.

"I umm have been asked to be on it." I bowed my head incase he started to laugh at me.

"Wow that's cool" he seemed happy so o lifted my head back up and smiled. "Look I better go but I'll sure see you around." He waved goodbye and headed upstairs where he was met by 3 others guys.

Billy Tolley, Jay Wasley and Zak Bagans.

I stood there gawking at them, they were all in a huddle whispering to one another. Zak looked at me and stared long and hard, I could pull myself away to look at him. Those eyes, they were so captivatingly beautiful.

"Miss" a voice growled behind me. The receptionist was waiting for me.

"Sorry" I apologised to the guy behind me and went to check in. As I looked back all four guys were gone. I was now more scared than ever, I might have to chase up on the offer Matt gave me. I want out.

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