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Aaron's POV

My mind kept ticking over the issue of it's only been 7 months. I'm no expert but I know babies aren't leaving the uterus unless it's 9 months or there's issues.

I watched Zak pace through the car park and into the hospital, we were greeted by Bacon who looked to be petrified to see Zak.

"I'm so sorry br--" Zak cut him off and hugged him.

"Thank you for getting them here. I'm so sorry for how I acted but thank you, thank you." Zak clung on to Bacon. 

Nothing was being reported to us, so we sat on the lounges and waited until something was said, till someone came and spoke to us. Bacon looked extremely tired and Zak look horrible, I think in his mind he has been thinking of the worst scenario. Tears would stream down his face, then anger would take over him and he'd lose his shit.

For me, I kept thinking of Tyler. To know what she is thinking right now, to know what is happening to her body especially the baby. I had put my hoodie on and ignored the rest of the world, I watched the clock hoping time would hurry and we'd sook have news on Tyler.

2 hours...

"What's taking so fucking long!" Zak paced the empty hospital waiting room. "Has she had the baby? I don't know! Has she even begun pushing? I don't know, I DON'T KNOW!" He screamed.

"Dude" Bacon looked at him. "Enough. We are all worried sick waiting for news. Don't yell, don't scream. Don't waste energy that could be focused to Ty, send her positive energy. She might need it." Bacon spoke the truth but for now Zak wasn't looking for the truth he was looking for Ty.

"I want to be there when my son is being born, when he is entering this world. His mum, my love won't be able to see it. I need to see it, I need to have my son!" He barked at Bacon. Bacon tensed up and together they were nearly batting heads.

"Stop!" I got up. "Don't do this to yourselves. We need to stay strong, get over yourselves. Ty needs us!" I grunted. They both backed down and took seats opposite each other.

4 hours.

"We haven't picked a name out" Zak mumbled. "We haven't even fought over the good names or bad names. We haven't---" Zak covered his eyes and broke down. He sobbed his heart out. "Why won't they tell me anything? Is she even alive?" The tears just kept flowing, Bacon shrugged and came to Zak's side. I spotted a nurse nearby and excused myself.

"Sorry can I ask a quick question?" I got her attention. Her name was Nilla, she nodded and gave me her full attention.

"Tyler Lowe, is she okay?" I had my fingers crossed in my pockets.

"Dr Lowe is taking very good care of Tyler, she is okay." Nilla spoke, short and sweet but I was still hanging onto the words of 'Dr Lowe'.

"Dr Lowe?" I asked again.

"Yes, John Lowe." She smiled, Nilla walked away back into the nurses station. Before she vanished into the back room she took one more look at me.

"John Lowe as in John Lowe boy taken from home." I asked, Nilla came back to me and urged me behind the wall.

"How do you know?" She whispered harshly.

"Tyler told me about the brother, is that really her brother?" I stepped close to Nilla, I detected a slight accent in Nilla.

"Yes. He's taking care of her, she's unconscious at the moment but in about a few more hours she's going into surgery to have a c-section. John wants to see if Tyler will wake." She assured me.

"Why does he care now?" I raised my voice a little.

"John noticed Tyler on TV from that show, he moved back to Vegas. He thought she died, that's why he hasn't contacted her." God, didn't Nilla know all.

"How do you know so much?" I asked her, wondering how and why she knew all of this.

"John is my husband." Nilla showed me her ring. "Once he knew she was alive and he saw her on that show he made us move. We've only been in Vegas for two weeks, he looked for her but didn't find her."

We stared in silence, I was still trying to understand everything. "So you know about the devil?"

"He's real." A rush of energy ran through my body when she told me that. I was processing everything I've been told when the familiar noises of the hospital brought me back to reality.  "I gotta go."

"Wait!" I grabbed her. "When she delivers can you let Zak know?" I begged.

"He can come in. Please" she panted. "I have to go."

She ran off answering the buzzers, I made my way out to the waiting room where a doctor was sat next to Zak. I made my way over and joined the conversation.

"--she's okay?" Zak sounded relieved.

"Yes. It's been a busy night so we are waiting for a surgery room to be free, I'm positive she'll need a c-section as she isn't waking up. She's too early to push and the baby won't stay in, our only option is c-section then put the baby in intensive care. He won't be able to breathe on his own for a while." The doctor said, reassuring Zak that Ty and the baby will make it.

"Have you seen Ty, John?" I asked John. He stiffened his body. "Have you seen your sister yet?"

"Sister?" Zak repeated the word 'sister'. "No no no. Aaron the brother was taken away." Zak was remembering the story.

"He moved overseas. Found out about Ty through that interview we did, brought himself and his wife Nilla to Vegas." I gave Zak the short story. "Now John, is Ty okay?"

"Please" John stood up quietly.

"You know how much stress you caused her?" I was getting mad.

"ENOUGH!" Zak stood and yelled, getting the attention of nurses and people all around us.


"And you" Zak pointed at me. "How the hell did you get this information?"

"Nilla, John's wife. The nurse looking after Ty." I told Zak, he was angry. The colour red consumed his face. I sat back down trying to catch my breath, this was all so intense.

"Zak?" John peered out from a room.

Zak stood up and went to him. "What?"

"It's time to have your baby, let's go." Zak looked back at us with a smile, he nodded slightly and followed him him.

Bacon and myself sat back down, now was the real waiting time. "Aaron?" John peeped out again. "Come in, both of you." Bacon and I raced to the room, I was witnessing my godson being born.

We all got gowned up, the wards men brought Ty in and Zak immediately rushed to her body. He kissed her face and held her hand, Ty was still unconscious. "I'm ready baby, ready for our forever to begin."

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