Little Walk Through.

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We finally pulled up to the old boys home, it was pitch black and the only source of light was coming from our RV. I huddled behind Aaron as I was spooked out by this place, the feeling made me wanna be sick.

"You're scared?" Aaron whispered to me.

"How can you not be? I don't like this." I whispered back.

"We're going to go look around you gonna come or stay?" He turned around to me, pulling on his beanie and grabbing a camera.

"I kinda have no choice." I snatched Aaron's spare beanie and threw it on my head. "Cheers."

I walked outside to see Zak already at the doors of the place, Billy was behind him and Jay not too far away. I hurried closer to them while I left Aaron behind.

"Tyler you okay?" Zak spoke to me but didn't look at me.

"S-sure." I stammered. "We're not gonna split up inside are we?"

"Yes." He looked at me and a shit eating grin smeared across his face. "Problem?"

"Do we know the building? Is it safe? What's been here and happened? Things we are suppose to be aware of?" I asked.

"If you're scared you can't wait in the RV with Bacon or get your act together and be apart of the team. Up to you Tyler." He shrugged and headed inside.

I rolled my eyes and followed Zak in, I didn't see him stop and barged straight into him causing us both to moan.

"Shit" he cursed.

"Maybe I deserve a light or something?" I snarled at him.

"Adjust your eyes!" He yelled.

"Adjust to what? Pitch fucking black! Far out you're so grrrrrr!" I stormed off anger not realising I was walking further and further into this old home. Shit.

I tried to do what Zak said and 'adjust' my eyes but it wasn't working. I threw myself on the floor and did what I knew I could do, use my body.

"Hello?" I called out and my voice echoed. "I know you're lost but I'm here to help but you need to come to me."

The floorboards started to creaked, footsteps approached me but as I reached out to grab them no one was there.

"I can hear you but can't see you" I called out.

'I'm scared.' A little boys voice whispered down my spine causing me to shiver. My breathing turned short and sharp, my skin felt icy and I became really uncomfortable

"Oh shit!" I screamed as I felt a boot kick my backside. I rolled off the floor holding my butt, panting. Why didn't I bring a torch! "Zak!" I screamed.

I heard rushing of feet and was hoping it was Zak or the guys. I couldn't hear them only the feet moving, they weren't coming. "ZAK!" I tried once more.

"Tyler!" I heard Zak echo my name down the corridor. "It's okay, I'm here!" He ran straight into my arms and held me. I clenched onto him closing my eyes and as I opened them the little boy stood next to me.

"Why can I see you?" I whispered loudly.

"Tyler I'm here." Zak rubbed my back but I pushed him away.

"Are you lost?" I kneeled down, looking the boy in the eyes but there were no eyes. No flesh, no clothes. I widen my eyes in panic, I became weak again and collapsed to the floor.

'We don't want you here!' The boy grunted at me, his voice echoing hard throughout the building.

"Oh- What! No!" Aaron yelled, he paced the hallway freaking out. "Whoa!"

Zak stood still next to me as I was having a panic attack next to his feet.

"Zak dude! Get her out of here!" Billy yelled at Zak, but Zak just looked at me. "ZAK! C'MON!" He screamed.

"Sssh! Let her deal with it. Tyler, fight it. You have to!" He crouched to his knees. "Fight it. You have it in you." He demanded.

"No" I broke.

Aaron still paced the hallways, grunting and crying. The room was affecting everyone. Billy was paranoid, Aaron was emotional but Zak was different. He had anger in him, stubbornness. Billy had the torch on and I could see everyone in that moment, the look in their faces. This place was real.

"Fuck this!" Aaron slammed into the wall and came towering over me. "I'm taking her!" He scooped me up and raced me outside, where I could breathe properly.

As Aaron landed me on the floor, I begun choking as I was inhaling too much air. I gasped on to his legs as I was sick, he held my hair back and got me through this.

"Bad huh?" Bacon ran over with water.

"I-I'm okay." I groaned. "I need to lie down." I pulled on Aaron as I stood myself up, I was dizzy but I forced myself to move into the RV.

"The boy wasn't a boy! Demonic!" Billy came behind me to help me. "Your back!" He squeaked.

"What!" I shouted as I tried to lift my shirt up but I ended up on the floor again.

"Three scratche-- holy shit." Aaron breathed. His cold hands ran over the marks on my backside. "This ain't good." He looked into my eyes.

"Get me the hell out of here" I demanded.

"What do we do? Where's Zak and Jay?" Billy was still paranoid, he started to freak out big time. "What the hell is happening!" He cried out.

I rolled my eyes and got myself up, as I tried to walk I once again collapsed but this time someone's hand grabbed me. "I gotcha." Zak held my waist and guided me to the RV.

"I'm sorry." I whispered in his ear.

"No. I'm sorry. Let's get you to bed." He shoved me up the RV and into his room.

"No. it's your room, take me to the sofa." I went to stand up but he pushed me down on the bed, I grunted as I hit his pillows.

"Stay. I'll take your bed." He took my shoes off and my jacket. He wrapped me like a burrito in the sheets and placed water next to my bed. "You never told me you were a psychic." He rubbed my head.

"You never gave me the chance." I lent into his hand and soon my heavy eyes gave up and I fell asleep. Tonight's little walk through exhausted me, how was I going to keep this up? My body isn't trained for this.

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