It Wasn't what I Wanted.

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Zak's POV

"No. Zak was perfect. Taught me more than I thought possible, he is a really good guy. You're the jerk."

And she walked away.

I smiled to myself hearing her defend me especially all we've been through, she still cares. I know.

"Zak we're on." Bill grabbed my shoulder. "Let's do this interview and get this show over with."

Bill disliked the show more than me, yes it was in our field but it wasn't our show. We couldn't dictate the next moves, we couldn't pick our lockdowns. Personally for me, not being the boss threw me off big time.

"She's here." Aaron puffed. "She came."

"I know." I smiled calmly. "She said some wonderful things about me." I blushed.

"Bro when we go on, she'll be there. Please can we not fight. Please? The more you both indirectly bitch about one another the more questions they'll ask." Aaron nodded. "Let's do this."


"Please welcome our next team, one of the finest teams in the paranormal the full crew of Ghost Adventures!" The audience applaud as we walked out. "Zak, Aaron, Billy, Jay and let's not forget the upcoming psychic Tyler Lowe!" Our host, Rory welcomed us. We had all sat down and finally Tyler sprung onto the stage. Wearing a white body con dress that nearly made me jizz in my pants, she sat at the end of the lounge putting distance between us.

The audience settled.

"Guys good to have you here. I'll be truthful and say I've seen sneak videos of what you guys came in contact with and wow. Tyler, for you just wow. How did it feel?" My eyes skimmed over to Tyler as she took in the question, without a thought before she spoke I answered.

"Thanks for having us." I could feel the glare on my back from Tyler. "These lockdowns have battled us all, the things we encountered both on and off set. I would speak on behalf of my crew and Tyler that if was scary, we all were pushed to our limits." I smiled cheerfully at Rory hoping he'd ask another question and maybe that question is directed at me or Aaron.

"Pretty sure that was for me Zak." Tyler excused herself, she shimmied her butt to the edge of her seat and folded her legs so effortlessly.

Those thighs, they lead to my heaven. Those curves---

Where was her bump?

"I think for myself it was harder because I don't come from constant lockdowns and being on cameras around the clock so to have filmed everything was really personal for me, we had many issues that I would've not wanted the world to see but in a way it's good. It's raw, it's not put on. This stuff happens and I wish more people could see it." The crowd applauded at her response, it was good.

"Now guys how was it to work with Tyler? She was new and not well developed in this field." Even for me Rory's statement was not called for. The audience started to murmur things between themselves. 

"She held her own." Aaron jumped in. "There was one lockdown where Zak was sick and the entire team had to made a stand and step up, Tyler did however step up to a completely different level. She was amazing." I watched the little wink he made at her, she didn't even react to it. Was she really going to be a bitch this whole time?

"With the help of me and the guys we took the challenge, I took her under my wing." I laughed it off, both me and Rory shared a joke.

"Challenge?" Tyler scoffed. "Like you'd take a unknown challenge." She rolled her eyes.

"Tyler" I glared at her subtly.

"Zak." She rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "You think you take the new challenges and succeed. Tell me what new challenges have immersed in your world that you HAVEN'T taken?"

The studio went quiet. I could feel the sweats drip down my face, we all sat with pale faces. Tyler however smirked, such a cocky bitch.

"I'm sensing a lot happened off camera?" Rory spoke.

"Couldn't be that important." She rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Haven't taken? You practically ran after every lockdown. At least I face things, always give something a go." Somehow my mouth spoke before I thought about what I was going to say.

"You're a liar Zak Bagans. Fucking hilarious you think you give everything a go! Shall we discuss what you won't? Or will that ruin your image?" She stood up and stormed off set.

Yea. Where did her bump go?

We all twiddled our thumbs in silence. I groaned and stormed off chasing her. I felt nervous trying to find her but it was exciting as I get to see her again. Face to face.

"Do you want this to go public?" I walked in her change room to her pacing the room stressing. "Did you want to tell the whole world what happened to us?"

She didn't respond, she continued to walk around the room.

"Answer me!" I yelled.

She clenched a the vase and threw it across the room, lucky for me I duck. The glass shattered, she was a complete psycho. A hot one though.

"YOU ARE A LIAR." She screamed. "Don't male out you took me under your wing, you hated me being there. You're a real dick you know?" She didn't once look at me.

"I got lost in the momen--"

"No. That's you. You're fucking dickhead. It's always been your image first. You before anyone." She slouched on the chair. "You never cared about anyone else."

"I fucking do and you know that!" I spat out.

"You wanted me to have an abortion!" She stood up to yell in my face. Here we go, round 3 or is it 4?

"I didn't want a baby then!" I was frustrated. 

"You stuck your unprotected dick in me" she didn't yell. "But congratulations Zak. You don't have to be a father, I lost the baby." She pushed past me and stormed off.

"Y-you what" I gasped. I watched her leave but my body wouldn't move. Emptiness took over me.

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