Is This Really Happening?

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Zak's POV

I had done all the cleaning, washing up and put Tyler to bed. I felt like a mother... or stay at home dad which I will say I'll never become one.

Images flashed through my mind of when I was a child, how my dad treated me. I frowned. I never had a good relationship with my dad and it's scaring my that I might not be able to build a friendship with my son.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad." I grunted to myself.

Besides from not getting along, what happens with work? How do I make sure that house is safe all the time, Tyler needs to be safe in there too. Could I want all of this but not live together?

Will work be too chaotic and I'll miss him growing up? His first words, his first step, his first anything? How do I show a child how a father is when I never really had one to learn off. Will I disappoint Tyler, I know she'll be a great mother.

"Fuck" I hissed.

I needed to clear my head, I wrote Tyler a letter saying I was going home to take care of Gracie and I'll be back in the morning. She didn't need to know the specific details, she'd think I'm running which I don't think I am.

I drive to my house and rummaged my liquor cabinet, I poured myself drink and drink, threw in a shot every now and watched the skies change from black to blue to sunrise.

I was drunk.

I past out on the lounge outside, the whole clearing my head didn't work. I was asleep but felt the alcohol now kick in and fought against my body. I was in hell.


"Oh fuck."

Either I was dreaming or someone was in my house but I cousins be bothered to get up or at least open my eyes. "Take it all" I demanded.

"Get up Zak!"

It wasn't a dream, I had small cold hands pull at my body. This person wasn't winning, didn't then know how strong I was.

"ZAK!" A hard slap whipped across my face causing me to get up and stumbled.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I groaned as I saw the culprit. Tyler. "What was the for!"

"Are you drunk?" He pointed at me.

"Nope. I believe it's called hungover." I chirped.

"What's wrong Zak? You don't drink." She looked concerned but still had an angry face on her.

"My father was a horrible man. I hate him." I folded  my arms. "That kid could hate me too."

"That kid?" She pointed to her stomach. Her face went still and she was silent, probably overthinking. "That?" She gritted her teeth together.

"Sorry. Our child." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Zak." She stormed back through my house and left. I wanted to chase her and explain to her but maybe it was better this way? The baby will grow up right without me, I couldn't be a father.

Tyler's POV

"Ty?" As I stormed out of Zak's house I ran into Aaron and shit I was crying. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing." I wiped my tears away, putting on a fake smiled.

"What did he do?" He came to my side and rubbed my back.

"He-- he done it again." I bursted out crying. "He is walking away again, he can't handle being a father." I choked up.

"We thought you weren't pregnant? The belly wasn't there?" I was confused.

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