Time to Find Out.

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"Oh boy" I stood outside the cafe across from the hotel, I had a hoodie on and big sunglasses so the crew didn't notice me. They were all standing around talking, Zak's face look tired, Aaron's was confused and Billy looked worried. "Here goes nothing."

I made my way over to them, slow and steady. I was wary that Zak would either yell at me or storm off creating  drama.

"H-hey guys" I swallowed hard. I thought my tongue went in the back of my throat, I couldn't breathe.

"Tyler" Billy stood back in shock. "W-we've been looking for you."

"Well I'm here and I'm sorry" I glanced around to all the guys then looked at Zak who was already looking at me. The crew all looked to Zak as he still gawked at me. "Say something."

"I'm glad it's the final lockdown." He grunted. "Let's get in our cars and head out." He stormed off.

"Cars? Where we going?" They all separated leaving me confused and lost.

"Zak's museum." Aaron nudged me.

"Where is it? So I can meet you guys there?" I followed Aaron and asked him.

"You sure you're gonna meet us there?" He stopped and walked back to me. "Sure you're not going to run again?"

"I needed time." I rolled my eyes.

"We were suppose to be a team it you kept breaking that." He rolled his eyes and jumped in his car. "Zak will take you to his museum." And he roared off.

I turned around to see Zak watching my every move. "You're going to take me, really?" Not only did Zak hate me but now Aaron.

"Let's go." He grunted.

I followed Zak to his car and got in, he slammed the passenger door causing me to jump and scream. He charged towards his side and sunk into the car.


"I don't want talk." He snapped.

I knew I did the wrong thing by leaving but I didn't deserve this crap, I shook my head and opened the door. "Fuck you." I scoffed at him.

I wanted to leave, get out of his sight. How did I even like this man? What intrigued me to have these feelings for him, all he does is belittle me or yell at me. These last weeks have been the most chaotic, stressful times and I haven't got a leg to stand up on. Everyone keeps continuing to knock me down.

I undid my seat belt and tried to hop out, but his hands pulled my shirt. My back hit his car seat hard.

"You're going no where." He clung on to me.

"Yes I am!" I squirmed. "I know you're upset about everything but you have no right to treat me like crap." I demanded

"Hey hey you're the one that kissed Nick." He grunted.

So that is his problem. I settled down and looked at Zak who looked emotionally drained, he ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "You're the one that left."

"Nick kissed me." I breathed out. "I left because I couldn't take me and you anymore, my feelings for you have gotten out of hand. But don't pretend you love having me on your team, I know you don't. I was making everything easier."

We both sat in the car quietly and ignoring one another.

Zak's POV

'Making everything easier.' She reckons? No she made things difficult.

I thought Tyler could be just another girl but she has her nails dug under me so hard, whatever she wants I'd give to her. The thought of her leaving and to see her walk away was enough to kill me.

So here we are, ignoring each all over again. She couldn't look at me and I don't blame her, I've been an asshole this whole time. I pulled out my phone and called Aaron.

"Dude put off lockdown till tomorrow." I noticed Tyler's head move a little.

"We need to be a team." I looked over her. "Be at mine tonight by 8pm. Alright bye."

"What's happening?" She wiped her eyes.

"We're going to go for a little drive." I put my car in hear and headed off to Red Rock Canyon, a personal favourite spot of mine.

"Why?" She asked.

"Why? Because we're not a team and honestly I think we need to talk." I looked to her to see her already staring at me. "I've been such a" I was trying to find a word to describe my actions.

"A dick?" She had her input in my actions. I gave a slight giggle.

"We'll go with jerk for now." I took my arm and wrapped it around her shoulder, I slowly tried to pull her in closer.

"What are you doing?" She whispered.

"Trying not to be a dick" I winked.


"OMG I'm dying!" Tyler walked up behind me panting and moaning. "Oh Jesus!"

"Great view ain't it?" I took in the beautiful scenery, the fresh air and the peaceful silence; until Tyler complained again.

"I'm dying. Can you no see how unfit I am." She crouched on the ground and laid down. "I'm seeing stars." She waved her hands above her.

"Just look up Ty, enjoy this." I turned to her as she sat up, she looked around and shrugged.

"Enjoy the view when you bring up chicks? Does this impress them?" She got up to her feet and walked to where I was.

"I don't bring women here. This is my spot, my place, my zen." I knew Tyler was a jealous person, so I was waiting for these comments to be made.

"Then why bring me?" She gazed up at me. The sun hit her beautiful hazel eyes making them stand out, it was like looking into the ocean the waves where coming at me and I wanted them to knock me down and take me in with them. Tyler had no idea what she is doing to me, maybe it's time she finds out.

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