And Here He Comes

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I've created every possible scenario in my head when I'm face to face with Zak, all scenarios ending with my hand whipped across his face. How dare he do this to me, running away again. How could I be so stupid.

We were nearly home and I was terrified of where this bus was taking me, Bacon and I still haven't spoken but every now and then he checks to see if I'm breathing. Something's up.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Bacon stayed focused on the road.

"Don't want any penny's from you." I retaliated.

"Figure of speech. Are you okay?" He gritted his teeth.

"Fine. My hubby or boyfriend is somewhere, my friend which you are meant to be is being a complete ass and I'm fat as fuck and horny. Ugh!" I slammed my fist in the chair.

"He's on a plane.." Bacon told me.


"ON A FUCKING PLANE! HE HATES PLANES, HE HAS ANXIETY! WHAT DID I DO FOR HIM TO GET ON A PLANE. WHERE IS THE PLANE GOING BACON!" I slammed my fist again but this time I was slamming it in to Bacon.

"Fuck!" The car swayed, wasn't a smart idea that I was hitting Bacon. "STOP!"

"Oh my god." I breathed out a cry. "It hurts."

"Him going on a plane?" He questioned.

"Bacon! It hurts!" I cried in pain.

"You were hitting me!" He bit back. "You've could've killed us!"

"NO! MY WATER BROKE!" I clenched onto his arm.

Panic had set it.

Zak's POV

"All done." The room held a beautiful white cot in the middle, baby blue walls, a very comfy rocking chair and the the best view of the house. All for my boy.

"I'm so happy for you darling and I can't wait to meet Tyler. Everyone tells me she's an exceptional lady." My mum had done more than enough for me helping me with the room, she was amazing with painting and setting up the room.

"You'll love her because I love her and she's holding your grandson in her." I nudged her.

"Do you wanna talk about any of this?" She took a seat in the rocking chair. "It's coke all so fast and I'm not sure where your head is at, is this what you want?"

"I've never wanted something so bad." I gulped. "I knew this was meant to be, me being with Tyler and us having this child. He survived for a reason, I keep thinking I'm suppose to protect his baby but I think the baby is protecting me. The white light he sheds, I feel immortal with him. Nothing can hurt me." I explained.

"What about Tyler?"

"I love her. I fucking love her, no combination of the 26 letters of the alphabet could make a word and describe what she means to me." Nancy stood up and wrapped her arms around me.

"You're going to be a great dad." She held me tight. "You got grans ring?"

"I do." I pressed my lips together.

"Knock knock" Aaron came into the room, gawking around. "Nice daddy Bagans." He toyed.

"Shut up" I nudged him. "It looks great."

"Look at you, all grown up." Aaron started to tease me. We shared a few laughs and a few hugs.

"I need to ask a question, mum excuse us?" Nancy nodded and left the nursery.

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