Train Up.

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"Tyler. I don't want you going in that room okay. Not without me." Zak demanded as he was about to begin the interviews.

During the interview I had wandered off and headed back into the room where I found the little boy in, I ignored what Zak said and entered the room. I took nothing except a recorder that I stole from Aaron's bag, we were a team so it's technically not stealing.

After my little threat to Zak he steered clear of me all morning and afternoon, if he needed to speak to me he'd go through Aaron or Billy. He obviously cared about his family jewels.

I set the recorder on and sat quietly in the room, I wanted them to speak first or I wanted to hear them talk. As I sat by myself the room became heavy and dark, my body got sore and I begin to feel sick. It was time to go.

"Ugh!" I panted. I tried to get up but was pushed back down. This thing wasn't a kid. "Please" I panted.

'No!' A young boys voice echoed through the room making me look up towards the window.

"You're... you're not body." I squinted my eyes as a tall dark figure with red eyes watched me. "Oh shit." I exhaled, this wasn't going to end well.

As I felt the power of this demon my eyes became heavy and I was drifting to sleep, I couldn't hold myself up anymore. Why did I run off? "Help me" I croaked but no one was even remotely close to me, I cuddled myself up and let the energy over take me.


I was back in my hotel room, looking at the back of blondie's back. He backless dress was slipped off her shoulders, baring her chest to Zak who sat on the bed.

"No Lori. You asked to use the bathroom" he tried to look away but you couldn't miss these fake boobs. "Leave then?" He stood up.

"You know my 'bathroom' excuse was always a way to get in your room and get in your pants. What's changed now? That brunette. Short, basic bitch?" She crawled up on Zak pushing him on the bed.

"Maybe basic is a turn on for me." He pushed her away.

I tried to go and pull her off him but I was trapped in the mirror, I slammed my fist against it to break it but I couldn't break it. I was too weak.

Zak walked up to the mirror and was looking at me but he couldn't see me. I yelled and screamed but it was no use, I was tortured into watching this.

"Go Lori, please." He shook his head and didn't look at her.

"Oh Zak." She walked up behind and dug her hands down his pants, she looked directly at me. "She's nothing. She's a wimp. She wouldn't even know how to please you." She laughed in his ear.

Zak looked up and his glare nearly burned my eyes. "You could be right." He slowly turned around and kissed her.

"NOOOO!!" I howled, slamming my fists harder and harder into the mirror but I still couldn't break it. I closed my eyes and ignored the noises.


"She can't do this lockdown" Billy patted my head.

"She needs to. How will she learn how to train her body?" Aaron paced the area we were in. "Just don't tell Zak." He bit his lip.

"Wow what!" I sat up gasping for air. "Where am I?"

"Billy found you as he was setting up x cameras, you were out cold on the floor. What were you doing?" Aaron bent down.

"There's a demon in there." I overlooked Aaron and stared into space.

"What if Zak had found you huh? Ty you gotta let us know where you are" he grunted.

"Where is Zak?" I asked.

"Looking for you, I just texted him saying you were helping Jay. Don't know if he'll believe it." Billy looked cautious.

"Isn't he with Lori?" I asked.

"How do you know Lori?" Billy rolled me to him. "Lori is like a thing of the past."

"He was with her last night, that's why I had to sleep at Nick's place." Oh shit.

"What!" Aaron yelled.

"Well where was I supposed to go? In the hall way! That asshole brought someone in the room to fuck and I wasn't even asleep! So don't get pissy at me when someone decided to be kind to me and help me out!" I argued. I got up and got ready for the investigation. "He's coming. Let's not cause any attention."

Aaron rolled his eyes and geared up, Billy just stood there confused as what just happened.

"Tyler, Aaron, Bill let's go." Zak walked in and walked out.

"Tyler for my own sanity can you not go into that room again. I don't like it and it clearly doesn't like you." Billy pulled be back to warn me.

"Billy I gotta go in, I'll be fine. I gotta train myself don't I?" I winked at him.

"There's a difference between learning this stuff and putting your body in danger. Don't be stupid." He collected his camera and headed out.

I pulled myself together and headed towards nerve centre, Jay was all set up and Zak was dictating how tonight's lockdown will be.

"Tyler do you wanna head in that room?" Zak asked.

I looked at Billy and before he opened his mouth to object I nodded, collected a camera and headed inside the building. I was geared up and prepared this time, I was going to get my answers tonight no matter how much I had to taunt.

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