Mind Games.

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"Tyler we are heading out to dinner, up for some food?" Zak walked out the bathroom pulling on his leather jacket, looking like a sex god.

"Nah no I'm good. My friend is coming to see me so he'll bring food. But thanks" I smiled and then put my head back down and focused on doing more research.

"Boyfriend kinda friend?" Zak sat next to me making me instantly jump and move so he had room.

"No." Zak's face looked relieved. "He is gay but he is a babe." I chuckled.

"Do you have a-a boyfriend?" He shrugged.

"No. Guys aren't interested." I bit my lip in embarrassment. Maybe I should've just said no.

"How come?" He sat further into the chair. "You're pretty."

"Was that a compliment?" I blushed and started giggling. "I'm some what of a wimp, I'm shy."

"Compliment yes and you shy? No way." He scooted closer. "Some guys don't know what they're missing out on." He patted my leg then headed off. "See you later."

He left the room and I sat there stunned, he thinks I'm pretty. Oh damn it I'm blushing again.


"I can't believe Zak is your roommate. There's one bed! Omg you'll sleep with him! Awwww oh! What if his dick 'accidentally' slips in you?" Matt poured the wine and dig into his Chinese.

"Ew!" I nearly choked on my wine. "No slipping of nothing! Anyway, he wouldn't be in to me."

"But you're into him aren't you?" As I looked away, he grabbed my face and pulled me to him. "You like him." He squealed.

"Okay! He is attractive but it couldn't and wouldn't work. He dates stunners and I'm like nothing." I twirled my noddles around my fork and shoved the food in my mouth before I said anymore.

"But he called you pretty so?" Matt swallowed his food.

"So?" I bit back.

"Oh hunny. Bless your little heart. Anyway how's the whole show going? I saw the promo photos, fuck babe! You look amazing!" He winked at me.

After a little talk, we spent majority of our time in silence watching TV. We were like couch potatoes, over fed, drunk and unable to move. I was about to call it a night when I heard voices outside the door, Matt sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Who's that?" He growled.

The door opened to Zak and a friend... a girl to be exact.

"You're awake?" He stood stunned with the pretty blonde behind him. "You must be Matt?"

"I'm Matt and I'm going." Matt quickly gathered his things. My face went red, I was chewing my lip in my mouth. "Bye babe, chill please." He kissed me and whispered in my ear.

He walked past Zak and slid out the door, we heard his foot steps quicken once he was out of site.

"I'll umm... get out of the way." I rolled the blanket up and excused myself. I headed into the bathroom before I left, I looked like a slob.

"Who is she? Why is she in your room. Ew." I heard the fake blonde complain, I rolled my eyes and stormed out hitting Zak's chest. He pushed me back into the bathroom.

"Let me go." I fought against him.

"I thought you were asleep." He whispered in my ear.

"You're gross!" I shoved him hard, creating distance between us. "You were going to have sex with her while I was in here? You're one fucked man." I rolled my eyes, laughed and stormed out.

"Lock the door when you leave." I groaned at the blonde.

I slammed the door shut and headed down into the lobby, I laid on the sofa and wrapped myself up. What a stupid prick! Just when I was just starting to see the good in him.

"You can't sleep here." Oh shit, security.

"Look man--" it wasn't security. It was Nick. "My roommate has a friend over." I rolled my eyes.

"Look I have a spare bed, you can't sleep here. Not only is it uncomfortable but you'll get in trouble. C'mon?" He held his hand out.

"You don't even know me" I sighed.

"Ofcourse I do. You're Tyler Lowe, psychic." He smirked. "My work partner loves your work."

I took his hand and followed him to his room, his room was twice the size of ours. I raced to the spare bed and got comfy, I was exhausted and upset which made me very tired.

"So why are you here, is your location close by too?" I asked.

"Yep. Not too far." He winked.

"Thanks again Nick" I called out before he shut all the lights off.

"No worries, get some sleep." He smiled before it went pitch black.


I woke up to the TV on, coffee brewing and the shower running. I rolled out of bed and got my bearings right, I was in another room. Nick's.

I wrote Nick and thank you letter, made the bed and left quietly.

I headed back up the corridor when I heard shouting.

"I haven't seen her!" It was Aaron's voice. "What did you do?"

I peaked around the corner to see Aaron and Zak arguing.

"We need to find her, it's getting late and we'll miss the interviews." He rubbed his forehead.

I didn't realise how long I was out for but I walked around the corner and captured both their attention.

"Tyler! There you are!" Zak came down to meet me halfway but I refused to let him touch me. "Hey hey" he tried to stop me.

"Morning Aaron" I smiled and headed into my room. I quickly got changed and snuck by Zak then headed down to the RV.

"Billy, Jay" I nodded at the guys.

"You ready to go back?" Billy handed me a cup of coffee. "You'll be alright?"

"I'll be sweet. Did a little research so now I'm more prepared." I winked. "We ready?"

"Tyler you could've told me you were here. I was waiting for you." Zak stormed down the steps.

I ignored him and boarded the RV.

"Jay, Billy we'll meet you guys there." Zak, Bacon and Aaron got in and soon we were off.

"We gonna talk?" Zak sat besides me. Aaron looked at us and instantly turned away.

"Come near me and I'll rip your nuts off, straight off." I turned my head sharply at him, his faced dropped. "My hand, down your throat, rip them right off." I hissed.

He got up and walked well ran off, how dare he speak to me after last night. I was furious but I needed to keep my cool, I had to prove I can do this.

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