Mixed Feelings.

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Zak's POV.

I woke up to a one of the best views ever, Tyler laying across my body. Her dark hair sprawled across my chest, her arms gripping me tightly around the waist and her lips perfectly pouted. She was bare naked and I've really never appreciated her body, how it curved and the skin colour on her.

"Fuck me" I exhaled. She is beautiful, she was basic but beautiful. I sat up slowly and slightly moved her so I could allow my lips to kiss hers.

I planted little kisses along her lips, they were there for me to have and I wanted them. I didn't want her to kiss anyone but me and I didn't want to kiss anyone else besides her.

I deepened my kiss and she fell into the kiss, wrapping her hands around my neck. She crawled up over me and moved my hands to cup her incredible breasts, as I squeeze them she squealed and moaned.

I pulled away from her and rested back, my hand rested on her cheek and she leaned more into my hand closing her eyes. It was the perfect fit. The sunlight snuck through the curtains and it ran up her skin, I didn't believe I'm magic but seeing her now I do. She was a rare one, how effortlessly herself she was. The sunshine played with her hair giving such a dark head of hair such glow and radiance.

"Mmm morning" she spoke. Still her eyes closed and her face in my hand.

"Morning" my hand pulled her down and she laid to rest in my chest. "Sleep good?"

"Yea" she breathed. She nestled in my neck and started to kiss me there, I moved so I could expose more of my neck for her.

"Your lips." I moaned.

She just giggled and continue to kiss me. "Do we have to get up?" She groaned into my neck.

"Yep. Another road trip" I kissed her forehead.

"What happens now?" She looked at me.

I knew this question was coming, to be honest I don't know where this puts us. I like Tyler, more than I thought but I don't want it to come between work. I don't do relationships. The silence grew between us, becoming awkward as Tyler kept looking at me with disappointed eyes

"I-I uhh" I tried to speak.

"I get it." She wrapped a blanket around her quickly and she got up. "What time are we leaving to the next lockdown?" She hopped off the bed and looked for her clothes.

"Tyler" I rolled off the bed myself trying to grab her and settle her. "Hey hey."

"No Zak. I get it. You don't have to do this." She smiled but I knew it was killing her. "Just knock when we are going."

She didn't even get dressed, she just ran across the hall and into her room. I'm a dick.

Tyler's POV

"Oh god oh god." I slammed my door closed and slid down the door.

I gave him what he wanted and now he wants nothing from me. I caved into every mans desire. I felt so dirty, horrified in myself.

I dashed to the bathroom and scrubbed myself clean, I felt like I couldn't get his touch off me like it was now engraved in my skin. And his lips, they traced all over my skin and now I couldn't remove them.

I collapsed to the shower floor crying, I was stupid. I actually thought he liked me but I should've known he doesn't do relationships and surely he'd have other ladies he'd be sleeping with that are ten times better looking than me. I was just a half time show.

I thought he felt it too. Foolish girl I am.


"Jay can I maybe come with you guys this time?" I pulled Jay aside before he headed out of the hotel.

"Seriously? You'd have so much more room in the RV?" He looked puzzled as to why I'd give up luxurious space for a squashy back seat ride.

"Please?" I begged.

"Yea I mean you're more than welcome to. I'll let Billy know. Okay, we are leaving soon so make sure you're ready" he smiled and left.

"Ready to road trip roomy?" Aaron came to fist bump me.

"I'm heading with Jay and Bill, different scenery." I smiled.

"What?" His face dropped. "What did Zak do?"

"No it ain't him. It's me, I want to spend time with these guys. Okay" I patted his shoulder and grabbed my duffle bag. "See ya at our first pit stop."

I walked to the car and dropped my duffle bag in the back boot, I grabbed my essentials and went to get in the car but a hand forcefully slammed the back car door shut.

"Tyler." I'd know that growl anywhere.

"Zak." I turned to see him nearly as red as a tomato. "What's up boss?"

"You're coming with us." He sneered.

"No. Please don't do this." I looked away and saw Jay, Bill and Aaron glaring at us.

"No don't you do this." Zak grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "You didn't let me explain."

"No. I don't want to hear your bullshit. You got what you wanted. We are work mates, colleagues. That's all. It was my stupid brain thinking you felt what I felt." I rolled my eyes away from him.

"This stuff is all new for me. I-I" he shook his head as the words he had he lost.

"When you like someone, expressing your feelings should be easy. Just admit it, you needed a half time show. Once the show is filmed and done you'll be back with your type of women and I'll be a stranger again." I shrugged my shoulders, Zak stood back from me with hurt eyes.

"Is that what you think?" He stood back as Bill got inside the car. "Really?"

"That's how you made me feel Zak." I watched Bill look at me and then get in the car. "See you soon." I jumped in the car and closed my eyes.

As we drove away Zak still stood there watching. I bit my lip as a tear rolled down my face, I saw Bill watch me in his rear view mirror.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I'll get there" I gave a smile and then brought my pillow to my chest and sunk slowly into madness thinking about the previous 24hours. What Zak and I shared, how passionate it was. Now look at us, again.

The Paranormal and Us (Zak Bagans Fan Fic) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora